How They Knew Bob Was a German Spy in Masters of Air Episode 4?

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In the fourth episode of Masters of the Air, Bob, an American soldier, is introduced. A complicated but successful test soon reveals him to be a German spy.

#masteroftheair #bob #germanspy

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- Injuries were inconsistent with other two
- German lighter, an infantry soldier can have a German lighter probably picked it up during battle but an airman based in England can't.


I thought the he was able to sing the whole Star Spangled Banner while most Americans end up humming it. Germans would train a spy to learn the whole thing.


And the fact when he was lighting the cigarette, it was a German cigarette lighter not an American zippo lighter


I caught early on that there is something fishy about him because he doesn’t have any injuries while both American pilots did. A subtle hint.


"...When his jet suffered significant damage..." LOLOLOL.


When writing the date, he writes the numeral 1 the continental European way (that is not a single stroke down, but with a hook). There’s a British film made during the Second World War where a German posing as a British soldier gets caught out similarly, but writing the 7 the continental way (with a bar through it).
He also writes the 9 the non-American way in the date.


My grandmother, a German who fled in 38, struggled with writing the date for almost 70 years. Habits are had to break.


I caught that right away. I was born in Germany but I’ve lived most my life in U.S., I knew before he even wrote it down why they asked him that question.


Captain Glenn Dye is my uncle- not only was he the first in the 100th to complete all 25 of his missions- he never lost a crewman on his missions. He continued in service until WWII had ended - teaching, test pilot, etc. attaining "acting Colonel." My father Lt. R. Warner Dye was also a pilot - not the 100th. Debbie Dye Campana


He sang the national anthem with too much enthusiasm, as if he knew that demand was coming


The way he wrote the numerals when told to date his document, which are distinctly German.


My two cents from being stationed for 6 years in Germany and Belgium... It was not one singular thing that exposed Bob, but a string of little inconsistencies that the Belgians used to make the decision: lack of injury, over-willingness to talk, too enthusiastic SSB, dates/letters written different that GIs, the lighter. Adding them up convinced them, though he was probably already a dead man when the guy asked Bob for a light. Icing on the cake with the non-Zippo lighter (kind of sloppy for the Germans to do that when they could have provided him one).


It wasn't the date format but the way he wrote the number '9'. North Americans write it with a straight tail, while many Europeans write it like a 'g'.


I think the way he sang the anthem was also a giveaway. He was so ready and too joyful, didn't feel like a confused and battle scarred man


Also the fact he knew the national anthem without fault was a give away. Keep in mind the star bangle banner wasn't adopted as the national anthem until the 1930s and a lot of these boys lived through the great depression (i.e. more important things to worry about)


The US military uses Day/Month/Year. I think Bob got discovered because he wrote his 9’s more like a lower case g


These underground warriors were incredibly brave. The Nazi’s tortured the hell out of them when they were caught.


Had someone reply to a comment I made saying the fact Bob knew the anthem was a giveaway since as shown by the other two guys real Americans only half remember the thing. Even after rereading the lyrics I still can't get it more than two-thirds correct.


“Bob” actually got a couple words of the Star Spangled Banner wrong, although if you weren’t paying close attention, you could easily miss it. In addition to using the European date format, he apparently also had a German or Austrian style lighter instead of the Zippo style lighters Americans would’ve carried. Any one of these things could be explained away, but all three together was enough to blow his cover.


Bob sang "Just how proudly we hailed" when it's "What so proudly we hailed"

He wasn't a very good spy
