How to remove someone from your worship team // Worship Leader Wednesday

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Today we tackle a difficult subject: how to remove or release someone from your worship team. As a worship leader, this may be the most difficult thing you have to do, but there are times when a team member needs to be removed (for various reasons). This is a guide how to navigate that.


Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen.

CURRENT GEAR (this is the stuff I currently use to create videos)



The Sun :)

Acoustic Guitars:

Electric Guitars:
MJT Thinline Telecaster
MJT Strat
Home-made parts-casters


Bass Guitar:

Recording Interface:


Software & Virtual Instruments
Recording software: Apple Logic Pro X
Video editing software: Adobe Premiere CC
Video editing - color correction: Davinci Resolve


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I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but BOY the timing of this video is impeccable :p


After a year of being "sabotaged" (yes, seriously), I left the church and am now taking a break. A values document may have helped our situation, but I don't know. Thank you ever so much for these honest topics.


We've got a handful on our team that don't look at the music until rehearsal night. They're aggravated because they're lost and don't know the changes.

We get the music 3 weeks in advance. Our worship leader has set us up for success and that's frustrating for the ones that do actually learn the songs.

Keep our team in prayer. We're trying to encourage these members to do better and meeting some resistance in return.


That intro with the caption "How do you remove a team member" followed by a smile and happy music. Lol


Thanks for bringing this topic out and being real about it. We're humans and we tend to struggle with conflict (more so, as you say, as creative types). I've been on both sides and as a leader, always did what I could to put relationships first. I've come to realize I'm more of a relational leader than anything; more of a shepherd than a "rancher" because I care deeply about individual people - which makes some situations hard to deal with but the first pastor I led under told me that ministry is all about having a series of hard conversations and I've certainly grown from having them.

I also wanted to mention that these are great suggestions - biblical ways to address sensitive situations whether or not its worship related. I've experienced it in leading in various capacities; one where growing numbers were expected (something I did not know until I 'gathered' that after being poorly let go).

Speaking of being the one let go, when you're not given a reason (and you were 1/2way through the statement "different direction", which was all I got), that hurts more than anything I've ever been through in being 'removed' from a team. I expect it from secular positions or service but not my brothers and sisters who are mentoring me. Especially when...

1) the leader doesn't actually give you the reason and
2) doesn't follow up (even when they've told you as your leader to do that with your people).
3) Its people - leadership you've done life with - that tell you they love you (and they don't communicate reasons with you and you never hear from them again...)
4) you suddenly notice you are not scheduled and fall off the planning center calendar with no explanation; you see the person ask and they don't have an explanation...(?) (and continue to stay unscheduled)

Lets not be 'that guy'.

We all deserve the conversation. We all deserve to know how to get better at what needs 'bettering' or at least if we are struggling with a personality issue or if they need some vocal / musical coaching, we need to do what we can to help point that person - our family member - in the right direction so they can get the help they need (everyone struggles from time to time with something) and be considered for 're-entry' if that is what God's plan is for them.

I'm admin AND creative but I see this more as how do I want to be treated in a situation that isn't working out from my leader's standpoint. That's where I try to lead from. Putting myself in their shoes because I have been and that kind of hurt is very difficult to process and move past. There's the dynamics of it being your own place of worship, ministry you may attend etc...Also, the more one matures in Christ, the more one can allow the Holy Spirit to do the leading in the conversations, restorations & preserving the relationship, right? Jesus was and is all about relationships; Love God, love others. =)

Sorry if this is too long but this is a topic near and dear to me and I'm grateful y'all are putting it out there. Its necessary.


I suggested "benevolent dictator" as my offical job title, but they wouldn't go for it. But for real, more churches need to embrace time off as a postive thing BEFORE problems begin. Great job guys.


Maybe another good talk would be when there's an issue the other way around. I'm sure there are people struggling with their own worship leaders.


Thank you so much for sharing your heart on this matter. I’m sure you probably already know are pastoring THOUSANDS through the ministry of Worship Tutorials!!!


I’m grateful that not everyone needs this information, but for the rest of us this is GREAT stuff!


So many team leaders has Un-Christian methods to deal with getting musicians off their worship team. I have been a worship leader and lead guitarist and vocalist for a few decades. It can get very political but is a taboo subject but must have brave people like in this vid to bring this up. There has to be the principles set in The Book of James 2. The best way for me is to step down for a while or even permanently since God is who we must please. One of the key issues I have observed is the tendency to want to be surrounded by “Yes” people.


Great points guys! Thank you so much. P.S. Awesome "Joke" at the end... "Out of all the people on worship team, you're no longer one of them." LoL


Yeah this is a difficult subject to deal with and your approach is to be applauded. I have been part of a team where this wasn’t done in a Christlike way or in love and The ppl were so hurt they left the church, unfortunate and sad especially when the ppl were very dedicated and committed.


With some people, it might be as simple as 'dude, you're (not working out, being negative, not practicing, etc., etc... Fill in the blank here).' Being that many working volunteers are either burnt out or headed in that direction (due to the lack of available volunteers these days), many might be relieved. Some might even be musicians who tried to retire but were asked to play due to a need. Great topicz, though.

Sadly, sometimes burnout can be due to a number of factors, but sometimes burnout can be due to not being sufficiently challenged. It can be difficult sometimes to take the same four chords and make something new out of them (in the parameters of what you've been handed). If you have any degree of ability and strive to be the best you can be, you really have to approach worship similarly to how you'd approach standard blues (ie expand one's repertoire over the same chords song after song) to not become overwhelmed with boredom sometimes.


Talent is definitely a reason. If someone is not wiling to work hard to learn the setlist they need some time off.


You point at them and say "You're fired".


Great topic on a really tough subject. Thanks for having the courage to talk about this.


Great video and solid encouragement. I am thankful that no one came to mind on our team when I saw the title however our team has been through a season of transition in this area and are rebuilding our team ending a season with our former worship leader. We just met and laid out our newly evaluated team philosophy at our first quarter gathering this week. So it is because we’ve been there, recently, and have done some of the things you talked about that this video was a timely source of encouragement. I love the idea of seasons also and the constant reminder that we are dealing with people which we ought always to do with great love, a heart of unity and spirits of reconciliation. Great stuff guys thanks!


Hey guys, I love the videos.

I'm on a worship team and we all have no Dynamics in our music. We play at 11 on every song every time. We're choppy. We have a guitarist that controls everything and treats all lead parts, intros, and instrumentals as big Van Halen style solos.

Also I've mentioned to them that we need to learn songs like they are written and I only hear "we can't do that so we will just do it this way"

I have no power to remove anyone, I just don't know how to approach my worship leader with this without sounding like I want a lot of spotlight.

I learn songs, I set my tones to work well with the song, I use a metronome to set my timing, I believe in playing with excellence. That comes across as arrogance.


I led for over 20 years in a mega Church. Always stepped in trained vocalist for over 30 years. Was slowly but surely pushed out for much younger models in tight jeans. After 4 years of not going to Church I went to Christmas Eve services at another Church. I will tell you it mentally crushed me.


this is always a slippery slope... yes, we need to cut out the cancer in a Godly manner.. BUT.. the most important thing here is to listen to the Holy Spirit on this! i HAVE a drummer, boy, this person had issues, and he used to rub me up the wrong way fast. i was just rolling with the punches though. also had a friend where i could go and speak to about this, who were gracious enough to understand my situation. but here is the thing. the Holy spirit told me to hang in there. so i handled this battle different than just making the gracious steps to get rid of him. i prayed for him every day, asking God to help and relieve this person of his pain and conflict. it took 5 months, and then one evening at rehearsal, he stood up and confessed his wrong ways to all of us. He apologized for making things miserable most of the times. God healed him of the hurt and he got free. he is such a blessing to us all now, playing his instrument like a pro, adding ALOT of flavor to the music. the best part is that God hid him away from the church during this time sothat the music from him was always great, no matter what the conflicts was, God still flowed big time here. Sometimes we think we are just a band leading people into worship, but we might just be something more. we might be an oasis for hurt people that God send to have a season of healing thru music in a place where friends, brothers and sisters will have your back and pray with and for you, no matter what the issues present. band/ healers group. just a thought. listen to the Spirit before leaping into leadership models.
