Near 3D Tool ArcGIS
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Near 3D Tool | 3D Features Toolset | 3D Analyst ArcToolbox
Calculates the three-dimensional distance from each input feature to the nearest feature that resides in one or more near feature classes.
All input features must have Z values, and all geometry types are supported. The input features can also be specified as the near features to determine the closest features within the same feature class.
The following fields may be added to the input feature's attribute table:
NEAR_FID—The FID of the nearest feature. A value of -1 indicates no match was found within the specified search radius
NEAR_DIST—The 2D distance (horizontal distance) between the nearest point on an input feature and the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DIST3—The 3D distance (slope distance) between the nearest point on an input feature and the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTX—The distance along the X axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTY—The distance along the Y axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTZ—The distance along the Z axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMX—The X coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMY—The Y coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMZ—The Z coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_X—The X coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_Y—The Y coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_Z—The Z coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_ANG_H—The horizontal arithmetic angle to the nearest point expressed in degrees.
NEAR_ANG_V—The angle of elevation to the nearest point expressed in degrees. Horizontal is zero, straight up is 90, straight down is -90.
NEAR_FC—The path of the feature class containing the nearest feature. This field is only added when multiple Near Features are specified.
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تعلم اساسيات إنشاء قواعد البيانات الجغرافية من هنا:
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برامج ArcGIS من خلال هذه الروابط:
مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS :
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS:
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE:
رابط فيديو مقدمة تعلم على برامج ArcGIS بثلاثة مراحل :
اعداد وتقديم المطور والباحث في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية حسام جعبه
رام الله - فلسطين.
GIS for World of E-Learning
Calculates the three-dimensional distance from each input feature to the nearest feature that resides in one or more near feature classes.
All input features must have Z values, and all geometry types are supported. The input features can also be specified as the near features to determine the closest features within the same feature class.
The following fields may be added to the input feature's attribute table:
NEAR_FID—The FID of the nearest feature. A value of -1 indicates no match was found within the specified search radius
NEAR_DIST—The 2D distance (horizontal distance) between the nearest point on an input feature and the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DIST3—The 3D distance (slope distance) between the nearest point on an input feature and the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTX—The distance along the X axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTY—The distance along the Y axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_DELTZ—The distance along the Z axis from the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMX—The X coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMY—The Y coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_FROMZ—The Z coordinate of the nearest point on the input feature to the nearest feature.
NEAR_X—The X coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_Y—The Y coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_Z—The Z coordinate of the nearest point on the nearest feature.
NEAR_ANG_H—The horizontal arithmetic angle to the nearest point expressed in degrees.
NEAR_ANG_V—The angle of elevation to the nearest point expressed in degrees. Horizontal is zero, straight up is 90, straight down is -90.
NEAR_FC—The path of the feature class containing the nearest feature. This field is only added when multiple Near Features are specified.
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شرح الأداة :
لمتابعة موقع GISforWE من هنا:
موقع لكل مهتم في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS من هنا:
احترف التعامل مع البيانات الجغرافية من خلال برامج ArcGIS:
تعلم اساسيات إنشاء قواعد البيانات الجغرافية من هنا:
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برامج ArcGIS من خلال هذه الروابط:
مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS :
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS:
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE:
رابط فيديو مقدمة تعلم على برامج ArcGIS بثلاثة مراحل :
اعداد وتقديم المطور والباحث في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية حسام جعبه
رام الله - فلسطين.
GIS for World of E-Learning