¿Qué es un certificado de autenticidad y su importancia?

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El Certificado de Autenticidad es un documento que demuestra que tu obra es genuina y auténtica. Es una herramienta para probar la procedencia de una obra y asegura al comprador por cual artista pintor ha sido elaborada. Lo ideal es que acompañe a cada obra de arte que hayas creado, independientemente de sí ha sido vendida o no. En el caso de una venta, un certificado de autenticidad suele ser uno de los primeros documentos que se entregan al comprador. Además, en caso de que la obra se revalorice con el paso del tiempo, un certificado de autenticidad funciona como un documento que rastrea la procedencia de las obras, demostrando así un aumento de su valor en el mercado. El certificado debe ser elaborado por una persona con conocimientos profesionales sobre la materia, además se recomienda si es posible que esa persona haya sido encomentada por el artista pintor para expedir el correspondiente certificado de una obra de arte determinada. En la declaración de la autenticidad debe hacerse constar que además de que la obra es auténtica, que los derechos sobre la misma (copyright) pertenecen unicamente al artista pintor y que no se puede copiar, adulterar o reproducir por ningún medio sin su autorización por escrito. Toda certificación es un documento con carácter notarial, por lo que lo ideal es que se lleve a cabo ante un notario público.
The Certificate of Authenticity is a document that shows that your work is genuine and authentic. It is a tool to prove the origin of an art work and assures the buyer by which artist painter has been elaborated. The idea is to accompany each work of art you created, regardless of whether it has been sold or not. In the case of a sale, a certificate of authenticity is usually one of the first documents delivered to the buyer. In addition, in case the work is re evaluated over time, the certificate of authenticity works as a document that tracks the origin of the painting, thus demonstrating an increase in their market value. The certificate must be prepared by a person with professional knowledge on the subject, it is also recommended, if it is possible by a person commissioned by the painter to issue the corresponding certificate of a particular work of art. The declaration of authenticity must state that in addition to the fact that the work is authentic, that the copyrights belong only to the painter and that means it cannot be copied, adulterated or reproduced by any means without his/her written authorization. All certification is a notarized document, so it is ideal that it be carried out before a notary public.
The Certificate of Authenticity is a document that shows that your work is genuine and authentic. It is a tool to prove the origin of an art work and assures the buyer by which artist painter has been elaborated. The idea is to accompany each work of art you created, regardless of whether it has been sold or not. In the case of a sale, a certificate of authenticity is usually one of the first documents delivered to the buyer. In addition, in case the work is re evaluated over time, the certificate of authenticity works as a document that tracks the origin of the painting, thus demonstrating an increase in their market value. The certificate must be prepared by a person with professional knowledge on the subject, it is also recommended, if it is possible by a person commissioned by the painter to issue the corresponding certificate of a particular work of art. The declaration of authenticity must state that in addition to the fact that the work is authentic, that the copyrights belong only to the painter and that means it cannot be copied, adulterated or reproduced by any means without his/her written authorization. All certification is a notarized document, so it is ideal that it be carried out before a notary public.