From what I gather the source of this was a tape from the American design team showing off idents and commercials they had made throughout 1982. So this is what the IBA received before they added the familiar Fourscore to it.
From the looks of the 4, and the music, I think it's safe to say this is a prototype variant.
Sounds very 80s, it also kinda reminds me of the TV Tokyo ident from 1981 to 1998, especially with the synthy sound
I have to admit, the music used here is not bad at all for the ident. Though obviosuly Fourscore was a classic piece of music.
Maybe he didn't have the rights to David Dundas' epic (he got over £1000 a week for the ident being used!) so he used one of the PBS Ident rejects.
The music sounds like aliens are about to take over the world
different music, not the fourscore one
Is the reason why it wasn't used due to the music?