$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset

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#ChimePartner #Chime @Chime

In this video, I am sharing how I made my first six figures ($128,643 to be precise) in just one month, by adopting an abundance mindset. 💰✨📈

Money is a topic that people often shy away and keep top secret due to societal norms and fears around judgment. Many of us are taught that talking about money is taboo. But today, we're breaking that cycle. In this video, I’m getting vulnerable yall. I am openly and honestly discussing how I significantly increased my income, and I want to show you how you can do the same.

These are the practical steps I took and most importantly the mindset shifts I had to make in order to start attracting money. 💡🔑🚀

Don’t get it twisted, this video is not just about making money, but it's about understanding how an abundance mindset is key to attracting wealth and prosperity into your life. By the end of this video, you should see money in a whole new light.

Remember, breaking the money taboo starts with open conversations. Let's start one together here. Together we can change our financial futures. 💖🌍🌟

#AbundanceMindset #SixFigures #BreakingTheMoneyTaboo #FinancialFreedom #WealthCreation

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So Educating!!!, l have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Wow! You made this 3 weeks ago, driving into town this morning, the thought popped into my head, "I need to change my mind set". I came home, turned on YouTube and here you are with this video! Tell me the universe doesn't bring us what/who we need when we need it/them!


I loved what you said: " Don't compare your chapter 1 to their Chapter 20."


Rev Ike helped me a lot with my feelings about money. I love Rev Ike.


Girl you are such a gift. I'm still amazed at how you take time out of your day to help others.


Great insight Monique, you've remind me of what someone once said "The mind is the man, the poor is in it and the rich is it too". This sentence is the secret of most successful investors. I once attended similar and ever since then been waxing strong financially, and i most tell you the truth..investment is the key that can secure your family future.


As a 55 y.o. continuing my start over I've finally made the leap into selling my art and the road has been difficult to say the least. Thank you for this advice and knowing that there is still a chance is encouraging. Love your work.


You are just a beautiful soul. Through all your words I just see a cchild of GOD trying to help her brothers and sisters to believe in themselves and to win. I appreciate you. Your husband is adorable and together ya'll are such a beautiful force.


I really appreciate this video and I feel like I watched it at the right time.. I realized I talk myself out of a lot of things due to fear or feelings of inadequacy. And a huge part is comparing my progress to others. I know changing my mindset will be the 1st step to me achieving ultimate success. I need to hear this thank you


Yes. So many things go back to our childhood . If you take a step back.That is where you will find answers to the questions you have about your life.❤Thanks for all you do!😊


I'm just tired of being broke ALL THE TIME. can't keep my head above water if I'm constantly submerged. And that's independent from my mindset.


The Success behind every Rich person today is the decision they made for themselves, l'm so happy with the good investment I'm able to acquire my third house recently even as a single mom at 42 and I believe if things keep going well I would retire early..


Thank you Monique. You are so right. If you have the right mindset, anything is possible. The faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain. The abundant mindset and removing limited beliefs can open many doors. This a is transparent and inspiring video. Peace and blessings ❤


This is confirmation for me and a very true video. Success really start with a renewed mindset. I’m asking God to renew mine. Thanks to you and Calvin for all the great information.I love to see women in yellow, that’s a pretty color on you. May God continue to bless you and Calvin and your channel 😊


Thank you for waking me up. I had been feeling hopeless, with my pockets reflecting it, but I have so many gifts and talents like everyone else, that I will now, before I am set out, dig deep within and empower my mind in knowing that abundance is what God wants for us all. He loves us all and wants us to live the richest life ever to enjoy and be a blessing to others.


My three favorite channels: Journey With The Hintons, Stock Brotha, & Ling and Lamb. Make my week complete!


This video, pretty much read my mind on a full circle. This year 2023, I decided to be in my best abundance self, more proactively, and of course productive. I too feel once you put your mind to achieving something, you have to believe it's possible and make it happen. I appreciate this video and a huge thank you for giving me that reminder of the Abundance


Monique you and Calvin are so encouraging and I can’t wait for your first $1M video‼️🔥🔥💞


You have no idea how much your helping me as a freelance worker & stay at home mom. I'm almost in tears thank you monique♡


God Bless you for these videos. I need these. Need this motivation right now. Been stuck at home over a year cause an ex boss ruined my car on purpose and then fired me for "political" and "religious" reasons. Her business closed PRAISE GOD, and now its time for tables to turn! I'm going to watch your videos and try to get ideas to get an income again. I live out in the boonies and FINALLY have a notebook wanna be laptop with windows 11 to help me!!!
