FIRST TIME REACTION To Tim McGraw- If You're Reading This

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FIRST TIME REACTION To Tim McGraw- If You're Reading This

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On every deployment, right before we went home, we had a note burning party. Most guys had written a note to their mothers, wife, or kids. It was a touching moment each time. These notes were never read by our loved ones, but they were the best words ever written by our young soldiers. Thank you for your reaction!


I have never listened this song without getting goosebumps from head to toe. It’s so beautiful and heartbreaking for the people “reading it”.


When my son was in the Marine Corp, he told me that before each deployment, they had to write a letter to their loved ones, in case they didn't make it back. Thank the Lord I never got one of those letters!


We here in Louisiana are so proud that he’s from our state


We played this song for a close friend of mine’s funeral back in 2012 ! He died in Afghanistan at the age of 19 ! Never got to live the life he wanted ! This song hurts me to the soul ! Back in 2014, I myself died on the operating table after they finished a lengthy 32 hour long craniotomy. While I laid there lifeless I spoke with my friend who passed away, telling him I would be joining him shortly . However he told my time hadn’t come yet, the next thing I know my open up in the operating room and I’m hearing everyone in the room yelling name, saying oh my god we got him back ! Over and over and over again !

I didn’t want to be saved, I was at peace with gods decision and my final judgement, however I was given my life back .


Old vet is still here and will always be here. I never surrender. Love you guys and miss your lives.


I lost my husband last year, he did 32 yrs in the military and he lost his best friend in Iraq. It was one of the hardest funerals I had been to until my husband passed away. We was married 30 yrs. When they handed me that folded flag I fell apart but was so proud. God bless our military...❤


R I.P all those who didn't come back ❤❤❤❤


As a proud vet myself; I followed my daddy, and my son followed us...God Bless the USA, and all vets( past and present)😢🇺🇸🙏❤


This song has such a powerful message. Thanks for doing this one. My favorite songs from the great Tim McGraw are When She Wakes Up, One of These Days, Just To See You Smile, Don't Take the Girl, Can’t Be Really Gone, I Do But I Don’t, Angry All the Time, Grown Men Don’t Cry, Back When, My Little Girl, Everywhere, You Had To Be There, and If You’re Reading This.


This old vet just pulled up a chair. You know I love you guys and have been since day one. This song hits hard for me. Still love it though.


I didn’t realize these young men and women were required to fill out wills before going over seas.
When our son was 19 and getting ready for his first Iraq deployment, he called and asked if we were cool with him picking Arlington for his final resting place.
Thankfully, he made it home from there…..twice.


Love this and get teary eyed every time I hear it!! You hope your loved ones never read the letter!!😢


Those people were the family members left behind after their loved one died in the line of Duty. 🥺


North Carolina voice winner Avery Roberson sang this song


I am a few days late to this. I was on vacation visiting my in-laws in Jacksonville, NC at Camp Lejeune. Both are Marines. My brother is also a Marine. Love to all of those who've had to sit through one of those letters.

You guys should react to Aaron Lewis - Folded Flag. It goes with this subject matter.


I’m a former Army attack helicopter pilot with combat experience who has lost friends in so-called defense of this POS country. With our current administration I wouldn’t do it…


Aussie combat vet
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.
And when you go home tell them that we gave our tomorrow for their today.🇦🇺🇺🇸
And when I get to heavens gates to St Peter l’ll say “Legionnaire reporting in l’ve done my time in hell “


Charlie Sheppard lol love you guys though


Beg for subscribers and requests Before you start the video, not in the Middle of it. That's just in bad taste... I'm out.
Everyone stay safe.
