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#interviewquestions #jobinterviewtips #toughinterviewquestions

INTERVIEW QUESTION 1. If you walked out of this office and won $3,000,000 on a lottery scratch card, what would you do? 01:19
TIP: This question is assessing your motivations in life and whether or not you see work as more than just a pay check. Of course, most people would say they would give up work immediately, but would that make them happy and for how long would the money actually last?

INTERVIEW QUESTION 2. What kind of animal would you be and why? 03:00
TIP: Now, this is a strange interview question, but it is being asked for a specific reason! Each animal signifies a character trait. A lion, for example, is strong and powerful, but it can be overpowering. A lion is often a good choice for leadership and management positions. A snake, on the other hand might be seen as dishonest and devious, so I recommend avoiding this one unless you can give a valid reason for choosing it.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 3. What’s the color of money? 04:20
TIP: The vast majority of interview candidates will say ‘the color of money is green!’, simply because that’s what we have been programmed to think. However, if you apply logic to this question, green is not the right answer to give! Think carefully about how you answer this funny interview question.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 4. How lucky are you and why? 05:11
TIP: This strange and funny interview question is assessing your attitude towards life. Are you a victim who everything seems to go wrong for, or are you someone who creates their own opportunities in life? If you are the latter, you are far more likely to be a productive employee who goes after things instead of waiting for them to come to you.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 5. How many street lights are there in the United Kingdom? 06:16
TIP: This is a very strange question to ask in an interview! However, it is common during job roles where a level of technical or logical thinking skills are needed. Most people when asked this interview question will freeze,, and they will say… “I don’t know the answer to this question.” However, you will be different. All the interviewer wants to see is that you apply some logic to your answer. Here’s a simple, yet highly effective way of answering it.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 6. Describe the colour red to someone who is blind. 07:49
TIP: This is a common challenging interview question that is assessing your problem-solving capabilities. It is not an easy one to answer; however, try to use feelings or sensations as a reference point when answering the question.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 7. Why are manhole covers round? 08:38
TIP: This question, although it appears to be strange, is actually assessing your levels of intellect. Some people will know immediately why manhole covers are round, others won’t. But if you can apply some logic to this strange interview question, you will succeed in showing the interviewer you are someone who can apply logic and think on their feet.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 8. You have a choice between two superpowers. One being invisible and the other being able to fly. Which would you choose and why? 09:32
TIP: This strange and weird interview question should be answered based on the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a management or leadership position, be sure to choose flying! Leaders should be visible and dynamic; therefore, to choose invisible as your superpower might not be what the hiring manager wants to hear. Here’s my example answer based on someone who is applying for a non-managerial role.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 9. Are you a hunter or a gatherer? 10:31
TIP: Again, by applying some logic based on the position we are applying for we can give the interviewer the answer they would expect. For example, if you are applying for a customer service position, I recommend saying you are a gatherer, because you are building good relationships with your customers and encouraging them to come back to the business time and time again in the future. Whereas if you are applying to become a sales person, a hunter maybe more appropriate because you are constantly on the lookout for new leads and clients.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 10. You must spend the next 12 months on a desert island. All of your food and water are supplied. You are permitted to take two items with you. Which two items would you choose and why? 11:48
TIP: This question assesses your survival skills and whether you would choose to take luxuries with you (books and music for example) or something different to keep your mind occupied.


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Now I know why I always failed interviews .... thanks to your tutorial I just passed my interview now.... I am forever grateful.


I would be a Killer Whale. They beautiful animals. They are intelligent, they have strong ties with other members of the pack (they hunt together, they share food, they communicate in a complex way, they create hunt strategies, they can put down a blue whale working together), they dont like to be in lockdown, and they are cheerful and playful.


Any questions like this are a big red flag for me.


I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm hoping for the best. Thanks to you McMunn


Love "the harder I work, the luckier I get"


I was hoping I get asked any of theses. I didn’t but I still got the job. Thanks again.


"The harder I work, the luckier I get"
~ Samuel Goldwyn


You are so amazing! Wow! Thanks for sharing this information with us 👌


If I won 3 million, I would donate it to charity. There are people out there that need that money way more than I do and I would much rather earn it through hard and honest work.


The two items I would take is a knife and an umbrella. Although I would be given food and water, I would still have to have a knife to be able to cut my food and have a handy tool at hand when I need it. And because it is a desert, I would use the umbrella to keep me out of the sun during the day to stop me from getting burned. The reason I didn't go for sun cream instead only makes me burn faster and plus there is no guarantee the sun cream will last me 12 months so the umbrella would be a better choice.


Hi, great video, I was wondering if you could make a video on Police Constable ‘behavioural style Questionnaire’ As it’s the first thing I got sent after applying for the Job. Thank You


You have been of great help so far. .. thank you for your uploads. I am getting ready for an interview for the post of a worker relations manager please I need your help with possible interview questions in that regard.


As I know you are growing every year and you are really ambitious and always want to improve, innovate, and develop. I would invest half of the money in your business and if I am successful I will make sure to use invested money wisely so that I can increase the business expansion possibilities and help you acquire more success than ever.


I would definitely be a dog. They are loyal and intelligent.


If i won 3 million. Honestly i will donate to charity and those people who need help i will help them and all streetchildren of my country i will give them a good life, and i will not stop as a employee im contenue to work . I dont need more money i want job because money it will gone . But the job still untill you can work and also you can help to your company. If you are hardworking, honest ., your companies it will be a succesful and also your future someday


I would still work if I won a lot on a scratch card, lotto or premium bonds


What are the contains of your fridge/ refrigerator ?


Money is colorless. However, it has a strong ability to show the true color of the society.
How about this answer?


What kind of animal would you be? If im a animals i would choice to be a aunt. Aunt is refliction of my personality im hardworking. And honest of my employer


Q1) If you walked out the office and won dollars from a lottery scratch card, what would you do?

My answer: I would invest them in the company to buy necessary assets that would enhance the productivity and outcome to provide a smooth operation of the company

2) Would last you the rest of your life.

My answer:
Regardless of whether they would last or not, my goal is to use these money the most efficient way possible so they could be of a use.

Q2) Which kind of animal would you be and why?

My answer: I would be like an owl. This is because I like to be accurate with the least possible damages, with the fastest speed achieved, and see through hardly visible opportunities.

Q3) What is the color of the money?

My answer: Well, in my country the money have different colors and sizes. So I guess it's pretty much depends on the country's currency.

Q4) How lucky you are and why?

My answer: I'm as lucky as the circumstances allows me to be. I always find something positive to get, or ways to improve myself to get through of this, even if circumstances themselves are against my prosperity.

Q5) How many streetlights are there in the United Kingdom?

My answer: Well it depends on the necessities of the cities and the rate of traffic happening on the streets. In a way or another, the streetlights are used for civil protections during their transportation

Q6) Describe the color Red to someone who's blind.

Well, red is a color that best fits for the warmth, and that's because it belongs close to the Infrared, which is a warm radiation. That feeling when you feel loved. The color of passion and love, the color of anger.

Q7) Why are manhole covers round?

My answer: manhole covers are round to make it easy to close. They are designed round for comfort reason, for safety reason to not fall down diagonally, and less time spending to close it after the corresponding work done.

Q8) You have a choice between two superpowers. One being invisible and the other being able to fly. Which would you choose and why?

My answer: Think about it. Being invisible is cool enough for couple of reasons, but it won't help you in real life but problems to the surroundings. I would choose the ability to fly, and that's because it's useful and helpful for numerous reasons, besides feeling freedom.

Q9) Are you a hunter or a gatherer?

My answer: I'm a 95% a hunter, because I chase my dreams and catch the opportunities when they are being present, but I'm also 5% a gatherer that helps the company to be productive.

Q10) You must spend the next 12 months on a desert island. All your food and water are supplied. You are permitted to take two items with you. Which two items would you choose and why?

My answer: I would choose a knife and a metallic cup. Why. Knife would be useful for numerous reasons, like hunting for fish if there is any, or use it to cut the food, or build a small house out of the leaves. While the metallic cup I would use for making a tea or drinking water.

Comment for the OP of this video..
You would bring a laptop with you, but the problem is where would you find a Wi-Fi 😅?
