New Dragonborn in D&D

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0:00 Intro
1:54 The Players Handbook Dragonborn
3:33 Chromatic Dragonborn
11:20 Gem Dragonborn
15:48 Metallic Dragonborn

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We got a Dragonborn that can use their breath weapon to push and knock prone.
Fus Roh Dah is online.


Bear totem barbarian emerald dragon is now resistant to every damage type while raging.


One thing that wasn't mentioned is that the Proficiency Bonus uses for the new breath weapon interacts with the Dragon Fear feat, giving it far more uses per day as RaW it uses up one use of your Breath Weapon . This makes the feat even more excellent for Conquest paladins, giving them a Proficiency bonus uses per day AoE Fear effect.


I love how top patrons get their names in teal, like the best spells :)


Another important distinction in these breath weapons is that they are *magical* which means they won't work in an anti-magic field and are subject to magical resistance on monsters.


The new dragonborn is completely adequate, meaning that you won't feel like you're nerfing yourself for playing one, but neither are they so powerful that you feel a pull to play one just for the power (or feel you have to shun it for fear of being called a power gamer *ahem Yuan-ti*). Add in the reasonably unique and flavorful abilities and you have a winning combination.


My favorite build idea for the new dragonborn is Emerald Dragonborn Bear Totem Barbarian
Natural resistance to Psychic damage and resistance to all other damage types while raging, also the bonus action flight for a minute on a barbarian

Also the fact that the breath weapons DC scales with CON which is likely one of if not the highest of a Barb's stats also not many things are resistant to psychic damage save from Constructs iirc.

Those first benefits also work with Amythest Dragonborn Monks but only at 18th level where you can turn invisible and get resistance to all damage


Amethyst Phantom Rogue only takes half a d10 for hiding in the wall.


I like the new Dragonborn. None of them are top dog, but they're now good enough that anybody who wants that draconic flavor doesn't have to feel guilty about bringing less to the table than their peers.


6:37 The breath weapon by itself does not allow for two-Weapon fighting, even if it is an attack action, as TWF calls for an attack with a light weapon made with the attack action.


Having lost a character to disintegration eyes, I take force resistance any day


An interesting thing to note about the repulsion breath, is that pushing 20 ft and knocking prone means that if that enemy has a speed of 30 ft (which is quite common), then they have to use their action to dash to get back in to melee range with you if you just take a 5 ft step back after


My only complaint is the choices of what element each crystal represents, lol. Personal nitpick there. My associations for these would be, based on the colors of spells:

Force = Sapphire (Bigby's Hand or an Eldritch Cannon blast are usually shown as blue)
Radiant = Topaz (soft, warm, sunlight yellow)
Psychic = Amethyst (most psychic powers are purple or pinkish, as is the illusion school icon)
Thunder = Clear Crystal (it's sound... vibration... invisible...)
Necrotic = Emerald (sickly, undead green energy)

Emerald is also fragile, which makes me think of entropy. Sapphires are hard, which makes me think of intense pressure or force. Topaz can easily be various colors, but is usually associated with a yellowish hue, which is like how most radiant spells are bright light and belong to clerics, but clerics are servants of all kinds of gods.


Changes from the UA:
Breath weapons deals less damage now (starts at 1d10 instead of 2d8).
Chromatic Warding only lasts 1 minute (instead of 10).
Chromatic Warding, Gem Flight, and the second Breath Weapon comes 2 levels later (5th instead of 3rd).


Repulsion Breath has an interesting interaction against creatures with a 30ft move speed. Assume that the enemy is within 5 feet of you when you use it. They're pushed 20ft away and have to spend half their movement to stand. That means they'll be 5 feet out of melee range if they try to close the gap on their next turn.

Basically, you get a choice with that 5th level feature. Ethier have the enemy make a CON save and lose their turn on a failure. Or have a melee-only creatures with a movement speed of 30 lose their turn on a failed STR save. The equalling force is that repulsion has more utility applications.


Kinda think Chromatic Warding should've been available as a reaction. It's already fairly situational and limited in uses. If a red dragonborn gets knocked into a pool of lava, I'm inclined as a DM to just let them use the resource they have that lets them strut out unphased like some kind of terminator. Leave the "premeditated action" defensive buffs to either a versatile resource like spell slots or effects that are more universally applicable overall.


13:07 So this is just a reskin version of the GOOlock’s Awakened Mind feature. It can do everything the GOOlock can. And you don’t have to take a level for it.

The GOOlock needs its telepathy buffed. 60 feet, and with the ability to hold actual telepathic conversations. Then it would potentially worth a level at this point.


I would probably change it so that all dragonborn variants have the same shape on their breath weapon (cone or line), or that you can choose to use either a line or a cone. I would also change Chromatic Warding from an action to a reaction.


I think looking at those new options. I would go with the Metallic. Would love to see a Martial Dragonborn on the front lines incapacitating and the laying into them. Whoowaaa!!!


just got recommended this video.
and realised ur the guy who created that awesome guide to wizards that i used when i was first dabbling in the class.
glad to see ur doing well mate
