It’s time for you to let them go

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This is always the hardest part. It will always be regardless of the person, the time, or the place.
You deserve happiness, but you also deserve time. You deserve to spend your time on things that don't keep you up at night, make you worry, or doubt your trust.
You might feel like you're tearing a part of yourself out— probably a part that you feel like you can't live without, and this may be true. I think that we can all relate to pain
—but sometimes the things we live with are the ones that we don't realize are slowly destroying us and depriving us of inner peace.
Just remember, despite losing what you think is your everything,
this is an opportunity for new opportunities.
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“My value does not decrease just because of your inability to see my worth” those words hit hard.


"I save people, even though I know its not my job" I feel those words on a spiritual level... and my folks kept telling me, you cant fix everyone and you cant save everyone..


OK I'M SORRY BUT how the hell this vid still hasn't got million of vues this is sooo beautifully said and i needed to hear this! i didn't know that i needed to hear this until i finished it! beautiful message ùade me realise the amount of time that i waisted and still waisting on the ppl who couldn't care less about me! how much i craved for ppl's love and destroyed myseld for them! this vid made me reflect my life right now... why would i hold on to sth that doesn't want me? why should i chase after ppl who do not wait for me to finish changing in the sports room but i know they would've stayed for the other person? this also made me realise? what do i gain from this "friendships" other than pain and self hatred and doubdt? i can't thank u enough for makig this vid and just wanted to tell you that you helped a person who didn't even know they needed to hear this until now! i wish you the success and i'll now accompany you in your journey of becoming a successful youtuber!! (pss: the title is amazing and catching!!)


Didn't know it but I really needed to hear that. "My value does not decrease just because of your inability to see my worth" Made me realise with rejection, If I put the people who rejected me on a pedestal it makes me question my own self-worth. Now I've realised those people aren't above me, were all equal. I think If we try & better ourselves day by day then our value is only increasing & those that forfeited there spot in my life, miss out. First time watcher, great video & love the hair. God bless.


I've been healing so much recently and I've finally sealed the deal and as I'm feeling better than ever, this video comes up and furthermore increases my desire to let go. This is such a sign from God and answers so many of my prayers and I thank you so much man. Keep doing this. We up bro. Let's get it.


this is just what I needed right now. im still holding on to someone I have been holding onto for months. ik that we aren't right, I just keep pushing. thank you.


Dude your channel has done more for me than literal years of therapy have, youre helping me figure out myself and figure out how to live a life I enjoy :)


I sometimes wonder why it took so long for me to find this channel, I think it would’ve helped me sooner. Yet, everything happens for a reason. And I’m looking forward to a new beginning this year.


To sum up this video with my favorite quote:
"If I am worth something later, then I am valuable NOW. For wheat is wheat even when people believe it to be grass"


I just read the first few comments, and what i wanted to say has already been said. I'm glad I've subscribed. You've made golden short clips that have started a change in my life. So thank you.


Great video, well spoken, such love, power in your words. Thank you. Much love, blessings, John.


Old soul for sure, you got the essence brotha 🙏🏾


great video fr. Sometimes what you don't want to hear is what has to be told the most


Thanks man this means sm to me. I’m so glad I found your content I’m really trying to find myself rn and I’m so lost. Your guidance and wisdom means the world bro. Much love🙏🏾🤞🏾


Thank you, I’ve been binging your videos, keep up the good work brother 🙏


i loved her man ive never loved someone like that i find it hard to show people love because i wanted it to b her. im broken and im a mess, she cant look at me even though i ended things cus of how childish she was acting bt man i love her


Yo man first of all thank you for this video now what u said at 7:48 and than to the end of the video its the same what happens to me so i was playing a game online like a year ago and met a girl in it we chatted alot on discord aswell we were friends for a whole from 2022 to 2023 we were always laughing and chatting daily until she said 1 day that she has depression so i tried helping her out and making her happy more it didnt rlly work at first but later sum months it acc did im 14 years old rn abt to turn 15 in a month and i helped alot of people that were going trough rough times or depression yes ive had a horrible past aswell my dad being abusive everyday and way more stuff i like to keep to myself so back to the story so 1 day she turned her back on me completely changed she had a relationship and when it ended she was pushing all her anger out on me so i talked calmly and mattured wasnt even being mad 1 time she talked so many rude stuff to me and it hurted even if its online it still hurts because like in real life u still put ur heart and mind and words out to help them go trough it so 1 day she blocked me and her brother 1 day said to me that she killed herself i was very sad abt it and i think ive failed to help js 1 person but i can help others yes i still have sum memories but its rarely and i tried also letting it go but sum stuff is very hard to let go even at this age i tried killing myself at summer bc of seeing visions of my dad again but i didnt do it since ik im stronger than that im better than that killing urself is not an option and for the people that are going trough very hard times just reminding you right now if u ever try killing urself dont think about how ur family will react they will be MORE hurt than you will be right now they fed you helped you raised you did everything possible to try and make u happier and feeling welcoming to this world think about 1 day u have a beautiful wife and have a beautiful son or daughter i want u to sit right now somewhere at a couch or bed or chair and try to see that u have a wonderful conversations with ur future children just remind u if u ever feel in a very bad mood try just doing something fun in life if u find nothing fun try searching for things that u will find fun or just spend more time with family and loyal friends and talk abt it what doesnt kill u makes u stronger try leveling up in life doesnt matter how hard life is remember yall believe or dont believe in god he gives u easy tasks and very hard tasks every task u complete ur leveling up see it as a video game u are playing a game that u find funny and u level up to get better things thats just how life is everyone will have tasks thats gonna be very hard but once u completed them trust me god will have an amazing paradise for you and an amazing house and wife for u everything u want but if u kill urself ur not entering heaven since it wasnt ur time to go well im sorry if im not really good at this im just young still and i rlly hope this message helped u out a bit and shimon i hope u will read this message since ive put my effort and words out for this message ik its a long 1 but keep doing the work u do right now👍


Being where I am right now makes it hard to hear these words you speak from others. It feels like a hug with words and a way to help myself recover and let go…


Speak it. Coming back to this video again 😊


this really showed up when i needed it most
