I watched this whole video without sound (I was on a train and my headphones were dead) and it was still awesome
Thanks for inviting us! Had a blast with the table tennis challenge 🏓
I can explain Michelle's maths skill:
for anyone interested: what michelle is doing to do these maths equations is she is visualising an abacus, which puts the equation into shape form (the abacus beads is what she visualises moving by moving her fingers). Also, if she is thinking the numbers in mandarin, each number is only one syllable, so SE-VEN takes half the time to 'think' when she is processing the numbers (chi).
I know this because I once tried to learn to get better at maths by learning mandarin and the abacus.
it was honestly quite impressive how long Airrack went up the hill with that dirtbike
Add me to that spike ball tournament!!! I’m gonna beat everyone 🔥
This guy deserves to get hired by Airrack
I know about Spikeball. I would accept an invitation to the tournament. That is all, thank you.
I think airrack is the only youtuber that can keep me completely entertained for 30 minutes
Man, I can't believe that you guys actually beat the pro at dodgeball 🙌
Also, Eric with that hill climb on dirt bike was amazing 👏
Really appreciate how you guys put out quality content with enough quantity, you didn't stop at 2/3 sports bro you went to the extreme to do all of this for one video, WOW!!
it's been nice seeing airrack's content elevate over the years
Man the Spike ball professionals are hilarious! I would love to see more of them playing against Airrack!
The sound effects during the fighting is hands down the best part of this video. That editor deserves a raise!
Beans if your seeing this, thank you for making me feel better about my toe thumbs. It’s a constant battle being picked on for it but now I can rest easy knowing I’m not alone
At the "human calculator" part, i laughed so hard. Was funny that she actually gave the correct answers, before they could actually calculate it on a calculator. :D good video btw.
12:15 how beans looks so unsurprised and just pull out another calculator
Man, I can't believe that you guys actually beat the pro at dodgeball 🙌
Also, Eric with that hill climb on dirt bike was amazing 👏
Really appreciate how you guys put out quality content with enough quantity, you didn't stop at 2/3 sports bro you went to the extreme to do all of this for one video, WOW!!
The fact dohaa came from nowhere and is now a fan favourite is the definition of never back down never what 😂
21:18 "they make fun of you at homeschool" 💀
dohha and beans are great energy for these videos, i think youve been on a hell of a roll lately man, keep it up