*INTENSE* Crunchy Chiropractic *Back Cracking Adjustments*

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*INTENSE* Crunchy Chiropractic *Back Cracking Adjustments* by Dr Joseph Cipriano DC.

This is the First time she tries my Full Body Chiropractic Approach with Y Strap Decompression! Intense ASMR crazy loud chiropractic back cracks that result in pain relief and maximum results! As you can tell the results leave her in amazement!

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Hi Dr. Joe ❣️ your work is incredible ‼️ I can definitely see why so many travel to get to you..Best Wishes to you and your family over the Easter Holidays 🐇


Much better than "pimple popping" videos 🤢, are these back popping videos. So satisfying!


I got adjusted for the first time today, they are not fooling around with this shit. Go to a good doctor and they can change your life. The guy took like 5 years off my spine.


Do a demo for Babinski reflex test please.


Which is the closest office you have near Texas. Because I’m from a little town called Freer Texas and I really need to go have you fix me up.


(Hey just putting out a shout out for help)I’ve had what’s called permanent drop foot on my right foot also missing muscle 1 1/2 inches of muscle atrophy on my right leg (I was bitten by a rattlesnake when I was 13 and hold the world record for the most antivenin ever received by a person) for almost 17 years now I’ve been over compensating with my left leg and my back and neck I’m completely jacked up and cry every morning I wake up getting out of bed I stretch all the time and nothing helps I’m am only 30 so this is keeping me from my life and Financially I’m not able to drive all the way up to where you are if you were in the same state I would’ve come and seen you already I live in FL and I’ve been looking for a doctor for literally half my life to help with this I mean I’ve been living with all of this for more than half my life and just want help and for some reason I guess cause I never paid into it disability won’t pay for jack so I haven’t bothered applying also I need to work less than 20 hrs a week if I get it and I have to make my bill money but I just want to be able to get around within excruciating pain like being able to sit down on the toilet without pain or pic something up off the ground without killing myself to do it or just be comfortable laying in bed Anyways I don’t expect anyone to reply to me but if anyone reads this I hope y’all have an amazing and blessed day


I'm starting to progress towards an even greater need for one of these spinal blowouts 🤣 problem is the 10 hour drive to the closest location

One day.


How come no one ever farts right after the crack?? 😂


Hello dr Joseph,
Can you make a video of chiropractic for wrist… 😭


I wish I lived close to one of Doc's offices.


She swallowed her gum after that Y-strap o😂 😂 I’m weak.


Jesus Karen is so hard to deal with just shout your trap and get your adjustment


The kinda patient chiropractors hate. Like…dude the adjustment is over. Get outta here your hip just sucks lol


I need to find a good one in Surrey all the ones I’ve been to have never been as good as the video I see


So this is what it's like for a routine adjuster. Interesting!


Glad there isn't that loud ass massage gun lollll fire vid as always


Hey, I have question of : is it worth to visit chiropractor for my pain? So, at age of 9-10 I ran over bumpy field and I sprained my left leg, with that my back, and I must have pinched some nerve cause I couldn't move without pain, then started experiencing my left knee popping on side, something like 6-7 times in my life (I am 27 now) and right knee about 4 times, after incident when I was 9-10 I often pinch my nerve in lower back and recently I hurt it really bad when I tried to lift a goat xD . After training some handball for 6 years my neck and shoulders started hurting and I started popping it often, now it hurts everyday even shortly after popping it. On top of that medications that I took as child for hormonal balance damaged my connective tissue in joins, and I have mildly flat feet. I did some therapy and exercises that helped tiny bit but not enough, specially for neck. And neck has mildly bad curve. Can chiro even help / is it needed? Thanks in advance


She has a labral tear in the cartilage of her hip joint. If you hear a click or popping sound when you move your leg then it’s a labral tear. It’s only diagnosed by an mr arthrogram. So basically they put a long needle in the groin and go all the way to the hip joints and then add a contrast dye and then do an mri. P.S it’s not fun!!
