Day 1 Keynotes | Fr. Mike Schmitz and Emily Wilson | SLS20

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Fr. Mike Schmitz and Emily Wilson kick off the first night at #SLS20 in Phoenix, AZ!

Live and let live. Stay in your own lane. Mind your own business. You do you. That is nice what people say. But what do Christians say? Isn't there something more to being a disciple of Jesus than "being nice"?

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I never get tired of listening to Father Mike!


When a person truly teach from his heart you will absorb all the words from him. When I listened to him the religion is not matter to me but his word from God is really strong. His a true servant of God he deliver it very well.


Fr. Mike, I'm impressed. I thank god for you because I'm thinking of returning to my church.


I love Father Mike! I started watching his channel about a month ago and ever since, I feel like I’ve been growing spiritually. God Bless you Father Mike! You’re an amazing person! You’ve really helped me and many others grow spiritually! Keep doing what you’re doing!


I think it is important to add some clarification to "I am not fine. In the presence of real goodness, I am not good." Fr. Mike says this with reference to his talking about how Peter sees himself in relationship with Jesus who is in the boat with him. I would say that we are good in the presence of real goodness. We are made in the image and likeness of real goodness, which makes us good too. At the very core of our being, we are good. However, our goodness gets distorted by brokenness, by sin, by the influences in our lives that keep us from seeing and being who we truly are. This is what "I am not good" looks like. This is what "I am not fine" looks like. These are not statements made from the perspective of knowing who we truly are, made in the image and likeness of God, but rather reflect how we experience ourselves in a state of brokenness in relationship to God. Peter sees himself in relationship to Jesus from a place of his distorted goodness, not his genuine God-given goodness. This distinction is extremely important. I think that this is what Fr. Mike is referring to. I think it is important not to confuse our true identity with a distortion of that identity.

It is also not as black and white as being good or not good. Each of us does live out the goodness that God made us and each of us lives from a place of brokenness too. It is important to separate out and work toward seeing clearly the difference between who God truly made us from how we falsely perceive ourselves because of brokenness and sin. There is a mix of both in each of us to one degree or another. We want to return to the fullest expression of the goodness that we truly are, in who we are and in what we do, in our identity and in our actions. Returning to who we truly are is one of the greatest ways that we point others to God. Others can see the One in whose image and likeness we are made the more we clearly reflect that image.

We need Jesus to help us find our way back to the genuine goodness that is always there within us to be found. It never goes away. It is always there to be discovered and lived out in a more complete way, in a way that more clearly reflects the God in whose magnificent image and likeness we are made. For this, we need Jesus. For this, Jesus is essential. Turning to Jesus to lead us back to who we truly are is the most life-giving choice we will ever make. It is a choice that we must make over and over again in life if we are to live fully alive, and fully free, becoming clearer and clearer reflections of Divine Love, for our sake and for the sake of the lives of the many others we will cross paths with over the course of our lifetimes.


Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for my Catholic Faith. To you Glory and Praise for ever. Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and My King.


Dear Father Mike, we love you, keep doing what you’re doing, God bless...


Fr Mike ... You are an amazing speaker ! May God give you more power to spread His love to youth! ❤️


Praise God for Fr. Mike Schmitz and other priests like him who are loyal to the Catholic faith!


To those who are arguing about or becoming preoccupied with Fr Mike's title or training as a Catholic priest, I plea for charity and graciousness. Fr Mike certainly knows his Bible, preaches the gospel, and is an evangelist for Jesus Christ. Thank God for him.


8:50, 9:40, 10:30, 15:30, 19:16, 19:56, 20:38, 22:16, 24:40, 24:55, 27:06 - <<<A bit overkill lol 😅 but thank you Fr. Mike for your blessed wisdom 🙏


Love Emily Wilson! She has helped me so much ❤️


What does SLS20 stand for? What does it mean? Thanking you all in advance for your clarity. Respect from Dublin, Ireland


Both great presentations. Give Jesus your all, each and every day.


When everyone at SLS20 sees you on screen right after a Fr. Mike talk 😭🤧 (28:38 the video of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart I had long hair then haha)


I so love Fr Mike… I love Love listening to him, especially his talk regarding the Mass. He blew my mind with the most important /loving part. It was outstanding. I’m more knowledgeable and more in love with my Catholicism now because of him and my upcoming consecration to Blessed Mother.


@6:10 Fr. Mike ...I'd like to think I'm "alert and depending on who I am talking to and whether they tryin to play me for a fool or not....I maybe act a part to go along with their game for a little while...


Thank God for Fr Mike greetings from El Salvador. Please read the email I sent to focus thank you God bless


Ive met jesus in the boat thats how i got fear of God thats how i stopped being luke warm


Refreshing to hear Father Mike, you are so alive, wise words… the way you have a topic you branch off and it all relates…you have a wonderful gift to orate keep it real and interesting…God Bless you ….
