Governor Mike Foster | Louisiana Legends

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This episode of the series “Louisiana Legends” from November 2, 2014, features an interview with former Governor Mike Foster conducted by Beth Courtney. Foster, a native of Franklin, served in the Louisiana Senate from 1987-1995 and as the Governor of Louisiana from 1996-2004. He discusses: his inauguration at the Old State Capitol in 1996; his grandfather, former Governor Murphy J. Foster; his father’s travels to South America; his decision to go into politics; his work on worker’s compensation and tort reform; his support of referendums; his business background and ability to delegate; his frustrations with being on the sideline during Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005; memorable moments from his governorship; hiring Bobby Jindal as his Secretary of Health and Hospitals; the state’s current budget problems; his work as the chairman of the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation; his hopes for the future of Louisiana; and coastal erosion.
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