EASY way to SHOVEL SNOW | Power Shovel 60V Toro

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Most fun I had SHOVELING SNOW. Save your back & move snow fast & easy. No cords, no gas. This is the review & REAL DEMO of this tool in a New England winter. Toro Power Shovel 60V Power Flex

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Thank you for watching please *LIKE & SUBSCRIBE* I have been looking around for the best deal on this & it's at your local Home Depot for $299 saving you 30% off retail, hopefully that can save you some money for the holidays!


My neighbour's kid has one of these. He walked past me on the sidewalk doing business while I was shoveling snow the old-fashioned way and looked at me in disdain. "The future is now old man."


That actually worked pretty well. Especially on the slush. Impressive


I got the older model. Works great. When there’s lots of snow I push it all to the side with a shovel, then throw it into the yard with the toro. Haha I feel cheap using it when others have their fancy snow blowers, but it saves my back so..


Picked up the plug in one, loving it just as much. For those who don’t want batteries I can vouch that the plug in is just as solid if not a little stronger due to the draw from the wall


I bought one at a pawn shop for $100.00. It was still in the box never opened. I have two batteries to work with. The first snowstorm we had the shovel worked great, 25 minutes in the first battery died but didn't rely the switch was on setting 2. Know I have a three-car driveway and the front sidewalk to do. After half hr. I was done. I was quite happy with it because I'm 57 yrs. old and tiered of shoveling. I just bought a 2, 5 battery and can't wait to try it but there's no snow but not complaining.


This is like one of those unintentionally satisfying videos.


Why the hell did I click on this video
It doesn't snow here where I live
Cool snow thingy though


I had neighbors who handled the snow removal tasks for their four unit condo bldg as well as the compact, four space outdoor parking area whom I remember using one of these really small snow throwers. Although it def took longer to clear out snow, there was the advantage of being able to fit it into the smaller, tighter areas of an oddly shaped lot, and they seemed to enjoy both the workout and being outside in the brisk air.


I want one. Never knew they had these honestly. Got no room for snowblower. This is perfect


Toro has made some really good battery powered options for removing snow that work well and to top it off they are made in the USA. Great video!


This is great for older people or someone who has back problems ...seems very easy to push...and you won't get caught up with a cord that could cause someone to trip and fall...


Nice that it gets through packed down ice and straight to the ground surface, reg snowblowing leaves a layer that always yours to ice.


I own Ego Power+ Multi-Head System products and purchased their rubber broom attachment and used that this past snow, which was 2-3 inches and slightly wet snow.

I cleared my 40’ one car driveway and sideways in 25 minutes.

I’m glad this tech is getting some renewed attention as batteries catch up.


I don't have this one, but I have the GreenWorks 40v model that looks almost identical and from the video seems to be virtually the same performance. Overall, very happy with it. Biggest con is that you can't angle the output (side to side or up/down). A lot of the time, this isn't an issue, but you do need to be cautious as you have to be creative to keep from nailing your car, the front door/windows, the neighbor's car, the neighbor's driveway, the neighbor...etc. The other con is the weight. I find that I have to pick it up and move it more than you'd think. I suppose I could manage with it on the ground more, but I think it'd make the job take longer. So I guess I'd have to call it a trade off. Overall, I'm happy with it and have been the envy of multiple neighbors.


I live in Texas, so don't need this, but we just had the first snow in a long time and it made me nostalgic for the north (born and raised). Watching your review just let me recapture that feeling again for a moment. I really miss it. Thank you.


Now that I have confidence in performance vs price, I will pick one up
Thank you!


I have been using the plug in power shovel for 15years +... amazing machines have done the jobs of my larger snowblowers when I could not get them to start.


just bought one after watching your review.

very impressed with power && build quality . Shipping to Florida was a bit slow .


Toros are awesome. I have a Toro lawnmower over 12 years old and it still starts on the first pull.
