The MARK of the BEAST: do YOU have the MARK now? How can YOU avoid taking the MARK?

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Millions of people have wondered what the MARK of the Beast is. People have long speculated it to be a barcode, implantable device, RFID chip, or a tattoo, but these things have NOTHING to do with the Beast. The MARK must come from the Beast. In this video, we provide irrefutable proof of who the Beast is and what his MARK is. We are very near to the end-of-time, and you do not want to miss this paramount information as it will affect every living person on the entire earth. Kindly SUBSCRIBE to my channel and consider SHARING this video within your sphere of influence. Much appreciation and stay blessed.

1.John A. McHugh and Charles J. Callan, Catechism of the Council of Trent for Parish Priests, p. 318)
2.Lorraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, p.197



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the sabbath is from Friday evening sundown, to Saturday evening sundown it has not changed since GOD made it Sunday is the first day of the week look at your calender .


mark of the beast is NOT sunday worship, do not over spiritualise scripture, its a mark on the forehead or right hand.


Upon the announcement of this subject, the objection may arise in the mind, that we cannot tell what the mark of the beast is-that there are various opinions respecting it, and that we cannot settle down with assurance and certainty upon anything in relation to it. In reply to this it is sufficient to say, that God has given, in his word, a most solemn warning against the reception of the mark of the beast, accompanied with the most awful threatening of his unmingled wrath against all who do not heed the warning. Revelation 14:9-12. It would be unjust in God thus to threaten men, if it is impossible for them to ascertain the meaning of the terms of the warning. Hence, with the full assurance of the justice and reasonableness of all God’s requirements and threatenings, we unhesitatingly say, we can understand what the mark of the beast is. The word of God, with the fulfillment in history of some of its prophecies, amply furnish us in this matter; so that we can arrive, not merely to an opinion, but to full assurance of faith. MBSG 1.1


The Beast, The Mark, and the Image.
The Beast is of course the papacy or more accurately the organization of popes ruling the Catholic Church.

Many popes have said that Sunday is the mark of their Authority because they changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.
Sunday worship then is the mark of the beast.

The frontal lobe of your brain is where all conscious thought happens, behind your forehead.
If you believe in your mind that Sunday is the day of worship or the Christian Sabbath, or you keep Sunday in honor of the Resurrection, then you receive the mark of the beast in your forehead.
If you refrain from work on Sunday for no religious reasons other than it's your day of rest then you receive the mark of the beast in your hand for refraining your hand from labor on the first day of the week instead of the 7th day.

Revelation14:9  KJV "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, "

The Pope's title is "Vicarius Filii Dei "which means Vicar of the son of God.
This title translates numerologically into 666 which is the number of the Beast.

The image of the Beast is when the other Protestant churches who have accepted the first day of the week, (Sunday) as their day of worship and are following the Catholic Church. They have made themselves into the image of the Beast.

There are detailed studies that confirm all of this but I have simplified it so that people don't get confused thinking that other things are the Mark or the image. There is only one mark.

When you keep the 7th day Sabbath as a day of rest and believe this is God's Holy Day, you receive God's seal in your forehead. You cannot receive God's seal in your hand.

You don't receive the mark until the Sunday law is enforced.

The pope has stated that he wants a "Climate Sunday" law enacted by 2027.
