Did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Fairytale Engagement Turn Into a Nightmare?

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were engaged 5 years ago today, and it really seems like the fairytale the couple concocted for themselves has turned into a nightmare.

From the first moments their relationship became public, there were a couple of warning signs that Meghan Markle would not seamlessly integrate into the royal family. Once their engagement was announced, the evidence of their delusional beliefs was on full display.

When they came out into the Sunken Garden, the couple separated themselves from the press with essentially a moat. In addition, Meghan publicly debuted "the claw" for the first time, her double handed death grip on Harry.

Throughout the engagement interview itself, there were constant lies, half-truths and misinformation, most notably that Meghan had no idea the global interest in the monarchy. If that was true, then the only logical explanation is that she was living under a rock for her entire life.

There were many other instances where it was clear that the couple had a delusional fantasy, bordering on Disney level princess, about their love, relationship and role within the royal family. Unfortunately for them, fairytales don't exist in the real world and being a real life princess has little to nothing in common with being a Disney Princess.

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The worst thing ever to happen to Prince Harry & The Royal Family. She needs to go


It isn’t a love story- it’s a hostile takeover.


I must say that I turned my coat from being quite happy about this liaison to absolute opponent when I saw the engagement video. Her constant grabbing of Harry's hand, her sugary tone, her blatant lies (one could clearly see she was not pleased with the ring), her interrupting and preventing Harry from speaking, all those things made me loathe Mrs Harkle, and that feeling has been strenghtened in every way ever since.


Who would set a friend up on a date if the person wasn’t “nice”? 🙄 She’s so fake, it’s ridiculously obvious. I don’t understand how anyone cannot see her for who she truly is! 🤦🏻‍♀️


18 months, 72 engagements, £2.6m spent on clothes, more than the rest of the entire Royal Household in that time. That tells us everything.


All anyone has to do is look at Harry pre-marriage and Harry today. He is in a nightmare of his own making.


Absolutely agree! I'm American but a huge lover of ALL things UK & BRF! I was so SO THRILLED Harry might've found his 'someone' AND it was an American woman entering the BRF to represent us & to be proud of! I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE WRONG. I have never witnessed someone so publicly take EVERY MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY handed to them..and repeatedly throw them in the faces of the people who welcomed them & afforded them those opportunities. Not just the Monarchy, but the citizens of the UK & Commonwealth. She WANTED to be 'of service' with Haz & The Firm' -her OWN WORDS! The ONLY accomplishment I've seen them make thus far is to throughly embarrass both of their families AND their countries.


Something I always laugh at: during the Oprah thing she mentions having to learn the British national anthem……OMG POOR THING!! I lived in Kenya and went to school in Kenya for 4.5yrs. I had to learn the whole Kenyan national anthem, in Swahili, all three verses. All she had to do was learn one verse and a chorus IN ENGLISH. Isn’t she an actress who had to learn lines?!?!? 😂🙄


The route into this high social circle is the Soho Club in London. In 2014 Meghan went to a beach party in Miami which was co hosted by a founder of Soho House. She met designer Mischa Nonoo at that party, who was also a friend of Princess Eugenie; Eugenie and her sister frequented Soho House in London. At that time, Mischa Nonoo was married to Alexander Gilkes, an Etonian friend of Harry's and William's. She divorced him and is now married to a billionaire, so a useful person to know and she was one of the co- hosts at that baby shower in New York. Meghan and Harry went to Mischa's 2nd marriage, a very lavish event and Ivanka Trump was one of the attendees along with many A list celebrities; Meghan wore a $13, 000 dress to the event.
After getting involved in the Soho club set, Meghan went on to socialise with Eugenie, including attending a lunch at Royal Lodge, Prince Andrew's home. (quote from Meghan, I think in the engagement interview - 'Eugenie and I had known each other before I knew Harry, so that was comfortable)', Meghan even allegedly met the Queen briefly when the Queen popped into visit Andrew at Royal Lodge.
From 2014 to 2016 Meghan was living with and in a relationship with the chef Cory Vitiello and in Suits. She told a friend she wanted to meet a rich Englishman and she wanted a family as by that time she was 35 and Cory didn't want to settle down.
Meghan was hired to wear Ralph Lauren clothes at Wimbledon, England in June 2016, by which time she had established several social connections. At Wimbledon, during social drinks - lots of rich and famous people attend Wimbledon, they socialise in a VIP area - she met Violet von Westenholz who was a publicist for Ralph Lauren and the daughter of a Baron. It would not have been difficult to research Violet - she was a childhood friend of Harry's and even went on vacations with the royal family. According to Tom Bowers, Meghan asked Violet to set her up with Harry. She had her first date with Harry July 2016, just after Wimbledon, a date at which she allegedly wore the same perfume as Diana and at which Harry seemed astonished at their many shared things, including their interest in philanthropy and charity (although it's not entirely clear what Meghan had done charity wise at that point), so she ticked some boxes. I really think he thought he had found the woman who could stand by him, as he did charitable work. He married her quite quickly, while probably was still at the powerful lust stage. I do wonder if Violet has any inclining that she was used or any regrets at setting them up.
On reading all the above, it was clear Meghan had an agenda and being rich, powerful and famous was right up there on that agenda. it is certainly very clear that it is absolute nonsense for Meghan to say that she didn't know anything about the royal family or Harry (and her school friend said that was a nonsense anyway, she was obsessed with Diana and had watched the funeral). Harry's social circle were taken in by Meghan and now many of them are no longer friends with Harry, he is isolated in the United States and Meghan (and Harry) are getting extremely rich from trashing the royal family. In all of this, there were many who suffered fall out - Meghan's father, her siblings (her brother tried to warn Harry what Meghan was like), the Queen, Prince Philip (on his deathbed!), Prince William, Catherine, Princess Charlotte, Harry's friends, King Charles. The impact of one social climbing woman with what appears to be narcissism is quite incredible and Harry continues to enable her and to join in the family and nation bashing, totally lacking insight that her race was never the issue, her behaviours were. The tragedy is that they had children because one day those children will read the internet and the books, they will realise and I doubt those children will escape the 'genetic damage' Harry talked about because it is Meghan and Harry creating it for them. Harry said he didn't realise he was trapped until Meghan told him. The irony is, he's the truly trapped one.


From all the things she had said and done up to the Oprah interview, the one that showed me her heart was when she referred to the wedding as a "Spectacle." Taxpayers' money and people in the street to see her.
How cruel and disrespectful to the British people.


My old lady reaction when my daughter and I discussed this wedding was, "he picked her?, this will not end well. He's trying to marry his mother"


When she said she knew nothing about him I knew she was full of shit


From the first moment they appeared together by the moat I felt she was putting on an act, mainly based on body language. I felt she was trying for a shy Di pose, which was totally inconsistent with a woman of her age, previously married, and having been an actress. I’m aware many actors can be shy, but they’ve learned to overcome that and know how to project an image of confidence. I also understand that it could be overwhelming joining the Royal family. However, her pose showed possessiveness, not being overwhelmed and she didn’t pull off the shy pose. I felt from the beginning that she “bagged” a prince and he found a new mother figure. Her intense loving gaze was a big red flag as well. That’s simply not normal, especially as stated above, a woman of her age, previously married, etc. It was very unnatural. I believe H truly thought he was in love with her. She will do her best to hang onto H as long as he benefits her. Unfortunately, unless he gets serious help and acknowledges she’s not what he thought, he will continue to be subject to her love bombing, manipulation, and remain stuck in the cycle of abuse.


What Hairless meant was she “tricked her way into his life”


When it was announced, the people I spoke to were genuinely happy that Harry had found someone who made him happy.
I called bs on her saying she never know who he was, I didn't like how she acted naive and demure, but at the time it was just nice to see Harry settling down.
The royal family broke numerous rules and protocals in order to make her feel welcome, even imviting her to Sandringham before the engagement (a honour that wasn't afforded to Catherine.) And allowing Harry to marry a divorcee.
When you see the wedding the number of people attending showed how much the union was celebrated. They had a lot of support and what has happened in the years since is a betrayal, they are trying to bite off the hand that feeds them showing that they are just ungrateful, spoilt brats.


She is a grifter, a con artist. That engagement interview should have raised red flags for everyone in Harry's family. How could they believe that she would be a team player, when she could not even follow royal protocol by wearing nylons and keeping her claws to herself? There is a difference between holding hands and what she does. And enter the narcissist who simply cannot see themselves for what they are. They are right and the world is wrong. Oh, Harry, you are getting exactly what you signed up for.


Her thoughts, never have to work another day, I'll be married to a billionaire and can buy everything I want, wear tiaras and designer gowns while going to state dinners, premieres and fabulous nights out. Ooops that didn't happen!!!


Even though they brought it on themselves, it's sad to see Harry's genuine smiles in the interview. I don't think we've really seen him look positive since.
I can't wait to see your Earth Shot coverage. Thanks for another awesome video!!


He thinks she tripped into his life. The reality is she trapped him into her life. How sad, money and status can’t buy him brain or all the good genes of his parents went to his brother.


Hope they share the nightmare to the very end, that is what they deserved: each other.
