The Truth About Facebook Ads For Clothing Stores

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As a result, you see advertising that isn't functioning well. Then three years ago, an expert informed you that you just needed to run ads for 72 hours to determine whether they worked. This is no longer the case. Since Facebook's axing, Meta has a lot of data, or rather, a lot less data, to discover its winners.

There are a number of variables at play here. The number of ad sets you have budgeted every day, as well as your creativity, all have a role. Set up your campaign and make outstanding creative selections on the front end to save time afterward. If you follow these steps, you should be allowed to run your advertising for 10 to 12 days.

The last thing you want to do is make a decision too quickly and kill your chances of success. Facebook is like the stock market in a lot of senses. Buy and hold. This next mistake is one where if you miss it, you won't be able to make the right decision. And not being able to make the right decision while your ads are already running puts you in a deficit and also puts you in a disadvantage to other people who are running ads.
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