NEW WORLD RECORD EXP in World of Tanks!

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Today Blast___ is going to set a World Record in World of Tanks for Tier 8 EXP playing the infamous BZ-176!

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Just had a game yesterday where there was a BZ-176 as top tier MM vs tier VI and VII on Malinovka, let’s just say he casually did 6k dmg (he was an average player by stats). This tank should have never been released, it has less weak points than the tier X. WG is tripping with the new premiums, straight up toxic tanks with no actual weaknesses. WG slowly killing their own platform.


Imagine doing 10k damage and it still being a close game


5:48 225 pen used to be very good for tier 8 vehicle without premium MM... Remember when IS-3 was one of the strongest tanks on the tier? 390 damage was considered a slapper and 225 pen was considered high (especially compared to limited MM premiums with 175). I have the BZ-176 and don't play it often, it is disgusting. I feel like I should, though, to help WG kill the game quicker. I know 225 AP is better than 225 HE, but it's still a ridiculously high value for HE and very good pen overall for tier 8 vehicle for older standards.


Imagine being in this battle and wondering "why is this Bz so enthusiastic?", then checking the post-game stats and seeing he ended up dealing 11k in a Tier VIII.


Saw the bz 176 already knew what was bound to happen. Its one of those tanks that are so brutally op to the point where imo the games all blend together. Our comrade in the tank knew what he was doing tho props to him.


This tank is an example of "Terrible for game balance, but also terrible to play". The gun handling will never work for you, but in *extreme* cases where it does, it does this kind of damage.


What a surprise that its the latest overpowered t8 premium. Well played by the player, but replace the tank with literally any other t8 premium heavy and good luck replicating this.


Do u remember then IS-3 was the best T8 tank?


All WG needs to do now is just released a premium Sheridan with ATGM to counter these kind of tanks


I never get these games where people literally LINE UP to take my shots.


lol I was the 122 TM in this battle. I didn't realise it was a world record at the time


You cannot get something more disgusting than this round.
The most filthy tank with the most filthy setup and the most ideal scenario to be in.
Both teams are full of paid actors and he has well finished the farming simulator there.
Absolutely out of this world.


It's a shame this was done in such a disgusting tank. The biggest stand-out and rather poetic moment for me was that epic killshot on the T-54 Mod. 1 ... a sad reminder of the simply insane amount of powercreep that has been ruining this game for the last couple of years.

Commiserations to the T30 on the enemy team, btw. He had a great game with 5k damage and 3 kills. He did all he could, I cannot imagine the rage he was feeling at the end of that match.


I mean sure the tank is so FOKIN OP that it plays like a tier 10.


WG knew what they were doing when they made this tank. The roof armor being 41mm is to prevent 122mm guns from being able to overmatch it and its own gun is a bigger caliber than every tank in the game besides the death stars and arty. I'm more surprised as to how this thing even carries that much ammunition of that caliber in such a small frame with all that armor and not being as slow as a churchill.


I would LITERALLY take this over my E4 in any tier 10 matchup. So fucking OP


I have the Tier 10, and I met a 176 hulldown in a match, and strangely enough, he penned my turret weakpoints more then I penned his. And his gun did way more damage even though it was slower.

It was disgusting to think the Tech tree tanks are weaker then this. If they all had Type 5 heavy guns it'd probably be a different story


You're saying 225 HE pen is not so much, but at the same time FV4005 and FV215b183 has 230 HE penetration values, and it's a TANK DESTROYER and it's 2 tiers higher. All things considered, it should have arround 190mm pen on HE not 225. That's litteraly base pen of IS-3 top gun


Hi QB! Since you frequently do tier 8 premium and tier 10 tank tier lists, I am wondering if you ever considered doing it with maps? What I mean is that take a map, and rank it based on how balanced it playing from both sides and in terms of enjoyment. For example let's say Mines. Overall I don't enjoy the small maps so that make it for me let's say C tier, but I believe that starting south have a little advantage aswell on the right side of the map (yes win hill win game, but not all the time), so that drop it into a D tier. I know that some of the maps have official pictures to being reworked a bit, but I would love to see what is your overall opinion about the maps aswell not just the tanks!


Perfect explanation of WoT. You have 1-7ms lag and you will hit all your shots. That is how streamers do it and that is how this guy does it. I have played many battles with him on Asia and was always wondering how he manages to hit all his shots. Well, thats how. Big bonkers whoever say 80ms is ok. It is far from ok. I play 50-90ms or 80-110ms on Asia and I see what he is hitting and that I can not possibly achieve the same with my latency. P.s.: Im purple player in the 11500 rating field, just for those reading this and wondering if I have the experience to tell.
