Cavity Wall Insulation Removal

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Cavity Wall Insulation Removal

In an attempt to meet the carbon
Reduction targets by 2020, the
Government introduced a scheme to
Encourage homeowners to install
Cavity Wall Insulation in their properties

Millions of homes across the UK took
advantage of this free or heavily
subsidised offer to have Cavity Wall
Insulation Fitted into their properties.

But is was not long before
The problems started to appear
Damp mould and mildew has
been causing serious damage
To properties that have had
CWI Fitted.......

This has left some homeowners
Living in appalling conditions, not
knowing what to do and some not
realising that is was CWI that had
been causing the problem.

The Industry Denied there
Was a problem until there
Was a debate in Parliament
and a report commissioned
to better understand the problem

Estimates now stand at between 4
And 6 million homes could be affected
By what is being called the CWI scandal!

It is clear that action has to be taken
And a number of law firms are now helping
Those affected to make a claim to cover
The costs of removing and repairing their
Properties on a NO-Win - No-Fee Basis

If your property suffered damp or mould
in recent years since having CWI
Installed then you need to take action
Today and see if you are able to make a claim.
To recover your costs
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