Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen [Holy Roman Empire song]

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As described already in the video, the peasants war was a bloody uprising of peasants all throughout the HRE during the 16th century. The protestant reformation is one of the possible catalysts that caused the peasants to rise up in 1525. The name 'Geyer' in 'Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen' refers to Florian Geyer who with his so called "black company" was leading most of the revolt.
Allthough the song is about the HRE duing the 16th century, it was actually not written during this period. In fact the song was written during the interwar period of Germany as a marching song. The song however has cought lots of attention and has a lot of different versions/reditionts.
-The maps:
It was very hard making a accurate map of the HRE at it's hight. A lot of the areas needed addtional research to be done to determine who or what ruled specfic patches of land. Sometimes I had to make compromises since not every little independent village had a flag or coat of arms to represent itself during the end of the 12th century.
Again, if you have any questions about the map, leave a comment or ping me on discord. I'd be happy to answer them all!
#peasant #HRE #history #map #mapping
-The record:
Sie Seind Ins Feld Gezogen / Eterna records
Heinrich von Reder / 8 26 584
Performed by: Capella Academica Halensis
-Be sure to support me on Patreon if you wish! With your support I can affort more records for future uploads:
-Do you like history? Then be sure to join our discord:
-In case you like anthems and folk songs, be sure to check this server out aswell:
I record shellac records, upload them on youtube and tell a bit of history. I was not the creator of this song.
I do not promote any type of ideology, hate or anything of the sort. This video is made to educate people about history through old music.
As described already in the video, the peasants war was a bloody uprising of peasants all throughout the HRE during the 16th century. The protestant reformation is one of the possible catalysts that caused the peasants to rise up in 1525. The name 'Geyer' in 'Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen' refers to Florian Geyer who with his so called "black company" was leading most of the revolt.
Allthough the song is about the HRE duing the 16th century, it was actually not written during this period. In fact the song was written during the interwar period of Germany as a marching song. The song however has cought lots of attention and has a lot of different versions/reditionts.
-The maps:
It was very hard making a accurate map of the HRE at it's hight. A lot of the areas needed addtional research to be done to determine who or what ruled specfic patches of land. Sometimes I had to make compromises since not every little independent village had a flag or coat of arms to represent itself during the end of the 12th century.
Again, if you have any questions about the map, leave a comment or ping me on discord. I'd be happy to answer them all!
#peasant #HRE #history #map #mapping
-The record:
Sie Seind Ins Feld Gezogen / Eterna records
Heinrich von Reder / 8 26 584
Performed by: Capella Academica Halensis
-Be sure to support me on Patreon if you wish! With your support I can affort more records for future uploads:
-Do you like history? Then be sure to join our discord:
-In case you like anthems and folk songs, be sure to check this server out aswell:
I record shellac records, upload them on youtube and tell a bit of history. I was not the creator of this song.
I do not promote any type of ideology, hate or anything of the sort. This video is made to educate people about history through old music.