Russian «Poles» in Kazakhstan Altai. Life In Remote Mountainous Village

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"Poles" is an ethnographic group of Russians resettled after 1763 from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to Siberia (along the Uba River in Altai, partly in Zabaykal'ye).

The “Poles” were descendants of Russian Old Believers from the Kaluga, Tula, Ryazan, and Oryol rprovinces, who settled first in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (in Belarus - in the regions of Starodubye, Vetka, Dobryanka, Gomel, Dorogobuzh), and from there in the second half of the 18th century they were resettled administratively to Siberia. For two centuries, the “Poles” maintained only intra-family marriage ties, avoiding marrying representatives of other Siberian ethnic groups.

The village of Poperechnoye is one of the places of settlement of the “Poles”, the most remote settlement in the valley of the Ulba and Uba rivers, 30 km from the border with Russia, as local residents say - the edge of geography.

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You would never imagine Kazakhstan looked like that. I always thought it would be like a dry and barren flat landscape. It looks like pristine wilderness. Very beautiful


I grew up the same way with my 7 siblings..Except it was in central Canada during the 60s and 70s we went all summer barefoot..We saved our good shoes and clothes for school and church on sundays..My Dad worked as a farmhand and my Mother looked after us kids and did all of the work on our small farm..She collected the eggs, did the milking and fed all the animals..We had pigs, chickens, cows, horses, a goat that just wandered in one day and stayed and dogs and cats...To me growing up as a young boy it was paradise..


i grew up in a small village in Vietnam, I came with my family to the U.S. 11 years ago. Life in the U.S. is modernized and busy, fast-paced, but very individualistic and lonely. I miss my hometown where I grew up, and the lifestyle. As an adult, I can only dream of living this simple life. I hope someday I can. Thank you for such amazing videos.


Ireland was like this only 25 years back in rural Ireland nothing wrong with it self sufficient, it wholesome


Athough it is also a hard life but the most meaningful lifestyle I think. Wonder if they know how sad/ soulless almost, our lifes compare to this riches. Blessed are they.


Very hard working good people You take good care of your animals Great respect to you


Какая природа, так красиво. Всем здоровья и всего самого наилучшего. Привет из России.


Admittedly this is a tough life made even harder by living in a cold mountainous environment. The old worn out, falling apart, and outdated housing makes it worse.But it is a life that many people have lived. I grew up in a family of 13 children, with my Mom and Dad, and Nanny and Papa, in rural South Carolina, USA. We lived on a 30 acre farm out in the country with five miles of dirt roads in every direction. Our closest neighbors were over a mile away down one of those dirt roads and they had only outdoor plumbing and still used an outhouse when we moved away to Georgia in the late 1970's.They did finally get indoor plumbing sometime in the 1980's. But I have nothing but fond memories of my childhood, going swimming in the local waterhole on a neighbor's farm that he dug to water his livestock. And rolling down his hillside pasture racing the neighbors children and my brothers and sisters to see who could roll down the steep hillside pasture and reach the bottom first while dodging cow patties. And being the youngest girl everything I wore was a hand-me-down that all my older sisters had all worn before me. Almost everything we ate we raised or grew ourselves. The only thing we ever bought on the once a month trips to the grocery store were staple items like flour, sugar, and rice. Every fall we butchered a steer and hog we raised ourselves. Sometimes we would split the costs of buying and feeding a calf and pigs with the neighbors. We would raise the animals on our farm, and then the neighbors would all come the following fall and they would spend all day butchering and cutting up and processing the meat and organs. We would each get half a steer or half a hog, and they would spend the afternoon/evening rendering the lard and then cooking fresh cracklins in a huge cast iron kettle over an open fire. It was fun times, but it was also hard and lean times, but it was a wonderful way to grow up as a kid. In the Summer on July 4th, we would have a big all night and day BBQ to celebrate America's Independence Day. My dad and the men would dig a huge pit in the ground, and they would cut down trees and split them into big logs that they would burn down to coals. And they would slow roast a half of a whole side of beef or half a hog in the deep pit they dug in the ground. They would stay up all night tending to the fire and the meat. The next day the women prepared all of the side dishes, like potato salad, jello salads, baked beans, baked macaroni and cheese, butter-beans and corn on the cob picked fresh from the garden. And if we had a cow in milk we would make homemade ice cream for dessert. Us kids would spend hours taking turns churning a couple of old fashioned ice cream churns, and we also had one electric one. We had to make several batches so there would be enough ice cream for everyone. You've never tasted REAL ice cream until you taste it when it is hand churned and made from only three ingredients, fresh cream, sugar, and vanilla extract. The only other ingredient we ever added was the locally grown fresh peaches and strawberries to make peach and strawberry flavors. We always had about five or six different gardens, and Mama & Nanny canned, preserved, and put up two or three chest style freezers full of vegetables we grew in our gardens, and beef and pork we raised and butchered ourselves, to feed a family of four hard working adults and 13 children in the winter. But the big difference in our lives and the people in the video is that my dad never made his living from the farm. He worked as a Roofer for 40+yrs, and we grew/raised our own food because otherwise he wouldn't be able to afford buy enough groceries to feed such a big family. The poor Russian/Poles have to live off of what they can manage to grow and raise as their only means of income and survival. And I am sure the extremely cold and wet environment the Russian poles live in, in Kazakhstan, makes for a very hard life. I think the old falling down houses with makeshift kitchens with virtually no counter space, inadequate electricity, and with wires hanging down everywhere, must makes their lives even harder. The bathrooms are probably even worse. A modern electrical system and upgraded insulated well built housing would drastically improve their lives. I also feel sorry for those poor underweight cows getting fed nothing but some milk watered down with hot water with one piece of bread added in; that cannot satiate their hunger, which is why you can see their ribs. And the poor cows and calves have to use up so much of their energy just to keep warm while being kept out in the cold rain or in a pen where they have to stand in wet cold mud and cow poop. None of the animals, including the chained up dog and goat, looked like they had proper housing or food. I hate to think of how the people and animals must suffer in the winter time with the winds coming off of the mountains and everything covered in several feet of snow and ice, it must be freezing and miserable!


What a GORGEOUS country. Even though I'm used to getting all of my food from grocery stores, I know that it's healthier to grow and raise your own food like these good folks. Beautiful life!


Azja Środkowa to piękno i surowość w jednym. Bogata historia różnych narodowości gdzie piękno życia przeplata się z jego dramatem. Takim państwem jest Kazachstan gdzie piękno przyrody i wielokulturowość przeplatają się z dewastacją naturalnego środowiska i tragizmem ludzkich historii. Dokument sam w sobie bardzo piękny i realistyczny bez upiększeń. Odniosę się nieco do pewnych spostrzeżeń w komentarzach nawiązujących do trudnej sytuacji socjalno bytowej bohaterów dokumentu. Drodzy oglądający pragnę was uświadomić, że my współcześni chyba bardzo szybko zapominamy jak wyglądały nasze polskie wsie jeszcze dwie dekady wstecz. I w związku tym kieruję do was pytanie. Czy uważacie że prawdziwe życie na wsi jak chociażby tej w Kazachstanie to sielanka? To właśnie jest prawdziwa wieś gdzie ciężką pracą własnych rąk zarabiasz na życie. Jak wygląda obecnie polska wieś? Jak podmiejskie mieszkalnictwo działkowe. A jeżeli już jest gospodarstwo rolne to przypomina uprzemysłowione i zmechanizowane farmy z monokulturą upraw. Szkoda że prawdziwa polska wieś staje się już tylko wspomnieniem z dzieciństwa. Może nie zawsze było kolorowo ale jednak sentyment pozostaje na zawsze🏞️🇰🇿🙏


Привет из Турции, у вас прекрасная жизнь, все натурально, меньше людей, больше мира, спасибо за видео..


Türkiye den merhaba. Gerçekten az insanla daha huzurlu, gürültüsüz sakin bir hayatınız var. Zorlukları mutlaka vardır. Ancak temiz hava, huzurlu bir ortam. Sağlıklı, huzurlu günler dilerim.


Прекрасная местность. Всё по домашнему. И очень красивая природа


Ciężka praca, Pozdrawiam serdecznie Cecylia z Warszawy 😀😃😄😅😆😇🥰


So beautiful country side! Fresh air with organic food very healthy.


Omg, the nature is breathtaking, i live in south of Kazakhstan, and it seems like we live in 2 different countries, the houses, the people, the weather and everyday life is completely different, interesting🙌


Que lindo! Recorde me infancia, soy del sur de Brasil. La vida en el campo es todo igual. Felicitaciones desde Argentina!


Beautiful countryside. Flowing streams, healthy cats, cute canines. People work hard and seem to do what is expected.😻


Essas pessoas sofridas e guerreiras, tornaram essa aldeia maravilhosa. Parabéns pelo seu vídeo e obrigada por compartilhar.


Beautiful country much love from USA 🇺🇸 ❤
