26 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week By Week Symptoms | The Voice Of Woman

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26 Weeks Pregnant: Between week 27 and week 36, your partner will get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis). This ensures that mom’s antibodies will be passed on to your baby, protecting him or her from the illness.
But it’s not just moms-to-be who need to be vaccinated. All adolescents and adults who will be in close contact with your newborn, including caregivers, need to be up-to-date with their Tdap vaccine. Give your primary care physician a call to find out if you need the shot, and take on the job of sharing this information during week 26 of pregnancy.
The Voice Of Woman through this video tells you about 26 weeks pregnant women, baby size, baby position in womb and pregnancy week by week symptoms, 26 weeks pregnant baby position.
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But it’s not just moms-to-be who need to be vaccinated. All adolescents and adults who will be in close contact with your newborn, including caregivers, need to be up-to-date with their Tdap vaccine. Give your primary care physician a call to find out if you need the shot, and take on the job of sharing this information during week 26 of pregnancy.
The Voice Of Woman through this video tells you about 26 weeks pregnant women, baby size, baby position in womb and pregnancy week by week symptoms, 26 weeks pregnant baby position.
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