Lesson 21 Laravel Websockets

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Welcome to this comprehensive YouTube tutorial on Laravel WebSockets! If you're looking to enhance your Laravel applications with real-time communication capabilities, you've come to the right place. In this video, we'll take a deep dive into Laravel WebSockets, a powerful package that enables seamless and efficient real-time communication between the server and the client using WebSocket technology.
Throughout this tutorial, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started with Laravel WebSockets. We'll begin by exploring the fundamentals, including the installation and configuration of the Laravel WebSockets package. We'll guide you through the process of setting up the WebSocket server, enabling you to establish bi-directional communication channels between the server and your application's clients.
But that's not all! We'll also demonstrate how to leverage Laravel WebSockets to broadcast events and handle real-time data updates. Whether you're building chat applications, live notifications, collaborative features, or any other real-time functionality, Laravel WebSockets provides the necessary tools and infrastructure to make it happen.
Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the world of Laravel WebSockets and unlock the potential of real-time communication in your Laravel projects. Get ready to level up your Laravel development skills and take your applications to new heights!
0:00 Introduction
02:16 WebSocket Installation
03:47 Pusher Installation
04:13 Configurations
06:21 Running WebSocket
07:18 Making an Event to Broadcast
09:53 Front End Configurations
11:00 Installing Echo and pusher js
11:52 Configuration of Blade file
15:30 Sending Data with Event
18:45 Creating a Private Channel