If You're Afraid Of The Sea Don't Watch This Video!

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If you're afraid of the sea, do NOT watch this video! 🌊🌊🌊

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I'm not afraid of the sea. I just respect it enough to not mess with it in any form.


I was in the US Navy for ten years . I served nearly eight years at sea on two warships, and two years shore duty . I've seen pods of whales, dolphins, and porpoises . I've seen Jellyfish blooms, schools of sharks, a beach covered by thousands of dead horseshoe crabs . One day I was swimming off the beach when a school of mullets erupted out of the water and something large bumped into me and swam past . Another time I was snorkeling in Guantanamo Bay Cuba and saw a barracuda . When I came ashore a Jamaican man caught a moray eel where I had been swimming . I caught a venomous stonefish in Tokyo Bay Japan . The cruiser USS Antietam was my second ship, homeported in Long Beach CA . A leopard shark had made a bed in the shallow water near the pier we berthed, and was visible for all to see . The only sighting of aquatic life that freaked me out occurred in halfway between California and Hawaii . I was standing Starboard Lookout Watch about mid day during a General Quarters drill . I was an Operations Specialist Petty Officer Second Class ( Radar Operator E5 ) . My normal watch station was in the CIC ( Combat Information Center ), but during GQ OSs take over lookout watches from the junior deck seamen . I spotted a strange yellow colored item just below the surface of the water just off the starboard bow . Before I could report, it passed down the starboard side of the ship . It was a large flat fish, approaching 18 or 20 feet in diameter with a pronounced dorsal and belly tail like an Angelfish . It's eye was about the size of a dinner plate, and I swear we looked each other in the eye for a few seconds. After some investigation, I believe I saw an Ocean Sunfish, or Mola Mola .


The Orca was not hunting the paddle boarder.
It was just curious as to what he was doing.


I am from New Zealand…I didn’t realise that our beaches were deadly, and it’s kinda funny to hear this guy mispronounce Coromandel 2:55


One of my favorite Steve Irwin videos was him pulling a nurse shark out of a crevice and getting bitten by her. It was hilarious because of how he handled it; "crikey! She's a little cranky today!"


That clip of the nurse sharks was interesting. I remember swimming with a big group of them, I even gave one a bear hug. They were really friendly


1:21 I’ve been told that sometimes they will mistake paddle boards for seals, the shape is similar (looking up from down below) that killer whale was definitely curious of him but I think it was just checking if he was a seal or not 😅


I always heard that the bull shark was responsible for the most attacks, while the great white is responsible for the most fatalities. Just my limited knowledge on the oceans


Respect the ocean and its sea life and it will respect you. Love snorkeling and diving. I love the ocean.


Orcas are very curious and intelligent animals they scope you out but most the time if you respect its size and space they'll usually just swim around you checking you out


Yvonne, frightened to death, continues filming while the huge croc swiftly closes distance between them. Because cursing and filming equals safety.


As someone who is endlessly fascinated by the sea, this video just served to make me even more fascinated with it. I suspect that even if someone actually discovered R'lyeh I'd be first in line to visit it.


Sharks do not seek humans out as prey. As a surfer at New Smyrna, the shark attack capital of the world, i have encountered many sharks out in the water and can confirm that sharks almost exclusively attack out of reflex. If you remain calm and collected, you’re safe.


I love the overwhelming dread of something watching me from the underside of the unknown void of what they call “the ocean” 👍


"29 kids go into the water, 22 come out... The ice cream man, he gets the rest." One of my favorite scenes about sharks from a comedic movie.


What I never saw mentioned is that sea creatures have very high endurance. Which makes fighting them very unique and special.


I came close to drowning when I was 5; therefore, I've not been overly comfortable in the ocean since then unless I'm in a boat of some type. There are unique and beautiful creatures in the deep sea, and I love seeing them from afar, on my laptop, on YT. The tiny crab are adorable. They actually look playful.


Am I the only one that thinks those fish with the see through head and no eyelids are cute and look like innocent little angels?😊


2:13 I don’t know how it works with Orcas, but I know with sharks, the more you try to swim away, the more you look like prey and attract their attention.


I’m terrified of the ocean. This just solidifies and helps justify my irrational fear 😇
