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WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW: Jesus destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind.

The Bible (God's only trustworthy Word for the human race) tells us: All of us were born with an unrighteous sinful nature. We inherited it spiritually from Adam and Eve, the first two created people, because of their disobedience to God by giving into the devil's deceiving temptation. Why would the devil do such a thing anyway? Because he hates God! The devil wants no one enjoying intimate, joyous relationship with God. He once had it yet lost it, and now wants no one else having it either.

God is so holy – so righteous – so pure … that He cannot and will not allow unrighteous sinners to remain with Him in heaven. But God had a plan to undo what Satan did to the human race. Jesus Christ IS the plan! Jesus came to earth to ransom you and everyone else for Himself, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. He took full punishment for your sins against God and the sins of everyone else on the cross so our sins no longer would keep us separated from God. Furthermore, He traded His righteousness for our unrighteousness through His death, burial and resurrection! (See: 2 Corinthians 5:21). That is no insignificant matter, dear one!

Imagine being in a courtroom, and the Judge has just sentenced you to death. Also imagine Jesus Christ being your lawyer. Jesus Christ says to the Judge (or in other words, God the heavenly Father): "Your Honor, I want to serve my client's sentence and pay the price for his/her wrong-doing by dying instead so my client can go free." Can you imagine someone doing such a thing for you?! JESUS DID IT!

Of course you may be thinking at that moment: I haven't done anything to be sentenced to die! I'm being falsely accused! "What have I supposedly DONE, God?!" Here's your answer: God gave 10 commandments for people to keep in the Old Testament Bible. Anyone who breaks just one of those commandments must be punished for breaking them against God. Where does it say THAT?! It says that in Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Have you ever lied? Lied just one time? Everyone of us has lied at least once. Number 9 of the 10 commandments says: Thou shalt not lie (bear false witness). You know what that makes us? A disobedient sinning liar against God and His moral law - His 10 commandments. (Revelation 21:8 also tells us what God thinks of lying). You just read above what God says about our disobedient sinning against Him by breaking just ONE of His moral laws: God’s punishment for doing so is DEATH. Spiritual death. Ultimately total separation from God and agonizingly suffering for our sins against Him for all eternity -- totally void of any love, peace, hope, joy or forgiveness from God ever again (otherwise known as hell).

BUT HERE IS GOD'S BEST NEWS! We can receive forgiveness for all our unrighteous, disobedience (sins) against God and our sins against others RIGHT NOW and have certainty RIGHT NOW that on the Judgment Day, our sins WON'T be held against us! HOW CAN THAT BE?! By asking Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins and trusting that He HAS forgiven us of them simply by our asking and trusting! Jesus will do it! 1 John 1:8-9 says: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Thus if we make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior - every time we sin - we have every right to ask Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sin(s) - cleanse us as though we never sinned - so that when our heart stops beating, we can be assured that we won't have to suffer eternal damnation for our sins. Jesus Christ did what no other human being has ever done or ever could do. He was the ONLY person on this planet who has never sinned. And because He never sinned, He is the only acceptable sacrifice God the Father would accept to pay ransom payment for each of our sins. That is simply AMAZING, isn't it?! Yet JESUS DID IT!

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Please prayerfully share this Jesus-glorifying video of Hope and Encouragement to all your social media connections and any specific person/s the Holy Spirit impresses you to share it with.


I'm liking and thankful for the comments coming in on this video clip. THANKS everyone for staying in BALANCE on this topic! "FIRST A FISH HAS TO BE CAUGHT BEFORE IT CAN GET CLEANED ... RIGHT."


Love the verse that he uses for evangelism since I was saved from being suicidal for 9 months. I really like how he explained we don't do anything to get cleaned up to BE saved, but after we are saved we are sanctified. Glad he knows that time is short to get right with Jesus and be spared from what is coming. June 26, 1983 his date was my one year anniversary, but I was a false conversion with a decision made to be a Christian at age 12, but not born again until age 45 after 22 years of marriage. Listen to this man if you are a church person and take action on what he says. God bless.


Nothing comes near that love. Even the early relationship, madly in love feeling, only just scratch the surface of what you feel when meeting Christ. Nothing fills that empty void like that peace from The Spirit. When you experience this, there is no denying Christ and our loving Father. Glory to God. Amen.


Amen. I remembered when I got saved. I was so hurt I wanted to give me. I was going to church at all, I wasn’t reading my Bible I didn’t have a true relationship with God. So I decided to go to a afternoon prayer group with a old friend that I didn’t see for years, but she was there. She knew I was hurting so she invited me to the prayer group. It was that day that I felt so good relieved I felt joy. When I was confessing with my mouth that Jesus is my savior I felt such a burden leaving my body. It was a bad spirit. At the church there was a heavy glass door that you physically had to push hard to open. But that day when I was getting saved the Pastor, Evangelist my friend and I that heavy door opened and closed by it self. I love the Lord with all my heart.


Thirteen minutes of blessing and truth, thank you. God bless


I hope I don't completely destroy my life before I can give everything to God


This blessed me!! When you talked about feeling a hand on your back gave me chills. That happened to me as well. I was alone at home carrying packages up our stairs and I missed a step and was falling backwards. I knew I was about to hit my head but then I felt a firm hand on the middle of my back push me up until my feet were firmly planted! I thought my dad must have come back home but when I turned around- no one was there. I was still alone. This happened in 1975 and it’s still very vivid to me!!


Wonderful testimony! The story is similar to mine. I had done the sinners prayer and baptism but it was empty to me. The Lord caused me to fervently search after that, and I know it was Him that wouldnt let me be satisfied with it. When no one could answer me, He answered me Himself. Christ in u is the answer. The sinners prayer is not real, just a string of words man put together, but the conversion that takes place from within u..thru Him.. is real.


When I got baptized in Holy Spirit I felt hand on my back. I don't really think anyone would have done that at church I had lighting and fire going through me. I prayed for girl next to me and she said she would never forget. She said she felt like electricity go thru her. All Jesus!


I was a Sunday Christian only for most of my life. Then God miraculously literally and figuratively saved my life and saved me from hell. Now I have a daily personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Amen. The only prayer that works is the one you mean in your heart. Thank you for your sincerity.


This video is a testimony to God's power. The church doors will be closed and people homes will be opened. His word will never perish


Best channel on YouTube. This lost and dying world needs Jesus and Him alone. This man and many others share their testimony of Jesus and how He saves. He is the only way.


Please pray for my family my son Cody is in jail he totalled my car and he could have killed someone or himself. I'm so grateful he is alive he just got out of rehab couple weeks ago and he relasped please pray for him


Prov 23:7 - For as he *thinketh* in his *heart, * so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

The heart is the seat of your conscious. A person is saved when they believe the Gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone as their personal savior.


Yes, we're to come as we are and God will help clean us up. Precious testimony. What a precious and powerful God we serve!


I agree with this man wholeheartedly!! You don't get saved by praying a prayer, a lot of pastors out there need to realize and PREACH that!! Do they not know God will judge them harshly because they had the people's ears and just tickled them?!?! We all have different journeys and a purpose will here on earth. I try my hardest to be obediant to the Lord whenever I have been directed to do so. Sometimes it is NOT easy, but the Holy Spirit gives us the strength and the ability. Jesus is coming back sooner than most pray, and pray some more!!! God bless you all


Very good video! Thanks for the testimony and teaching people how to get to know Jesus Christ as their savior.
God bless you!


How do I bring everything I have to the cross and how can I change ? Because I believe in Jesus and many things change in my life but I am living like a prisoner in my own head;heart;life;apartment....
