Off the Grid with Thomas Massie: What About Cats?

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Congressman Massie hates on cats, straight from his farm in Kentucky.

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My cat would never eat a chicken. He also knows his name.


Cats might (MIGHT) eat baby chicks, but you have them in a brooder box and protected until they are feathered out. After that, a cat will not eat a chicken. The cats know it'll give too much of a fight. Our cat is an outdoor cat and coyotes have never harmed her.


I found you through an actual ad on YouTube I've always told everybody nobody pays attention to that but the story about how you started intrigue me homesteading solar farm all that stuff have a question the geoengineering that's going on behind you in that documentary have you brought that up to anybody I have children I want to make sure that safe I know it's been going on a really long time but I want to know if it's safe has anybody done any testing they have came out and said they're doing that going to start doing that but they've been doing it for years they I don't know who they are was hoping you could dig into that


Chickens are bad ass. They'd kick a cat's ass in a second. Thus, cats are afraid of chickens. I like Massie, but he doesn't know jack about cats.


I call my cats cat and they know there name and run away.


I've had a couple dozen cats in my time and all of them, even the ones who used to be feral, knew their name. Massie is the best member of Congress, but yeah, he doesn't know anything about cats.


Have to agree, you don’t know about cats. My cats know their name, come when I call, hang out with their dogs. When I lived on farms, always had cats and they never went after chickens. Otherwise, I think you’re great!


In march 2015 we got our first chickens. We raised 15 chicks for their first 2 months inside our house. We had them in a big bin with a chicken wire top so our cats can watch them grow and the chicks can see the cats. We moved the bin into our garage for a few more months. The cats also had access to the garage its where their litter box is so they were out there every day. The chickens then went outside where we have a big 10' x 10' coup and they also have a 30' x 30' fenced in area. My 5 cats and 3 dogs love the chickens and have never hurt them. My boxer "Charlie" alerted us to an opossum who got into the chicken run one night and kept it cornered until I could get out there to remove it. I believe the dogs protect the chickens and think they are part of their pack !! The cats keep the mice and rats from getting into the chicken coup and stealing food. We live in the country so there is so many little bastards for the cats to catch and eat so they stay happy. I have never had any of our pets attack the chickens and I know its from introducing them at a young age and having them around each other as the chickens matured.


Our cat Mattie comes when we call her. I call her Massie and see what Lol


Cats do not attack chickens, unless they are small. We have chickens, and a local cat colony that we feed, water, spay and neuter. Not once has any cat attacked a chicken, or vice versa. In fact, one of the cats likes to go in the coop when we let the chickens out.

So, respectfully sir, youre totally wrong. :-)


I love ya, Tom, but you need a good farm cat. They kill, but a good lsgd will help keep it on the path to good.



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Joseph Dalrymple


With respect, I’ve trained two cats to not eat my chickens. It just takes time and patience, and you have to set them down and then watch for a while. Thank you representative Massie


We have a trash can in our kitchen that opens via a motion detector. Our cat, Jekyll, figured out how to wave his paw over the sensor to get into the can. He did this so much we had to turn it off. The other day I watched him wave over the sensor, dive up and crash into the closed lid, so you have a point.


I mean dogs don't really know their names either. You could call them shithead with a nice tone in your voice and they get all excited about it.
