Abdul Rehman Bijli Vs Faiz Tatla Open Kabaddi 2025 at Pindi Dothra | #Shorts

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What are the rules of open kabaddi?

Open Kabaddi/Slap kabaddi or thappad kabaddi is a Pakistani variant of kabaddi which is particularly popular in Punjab.Two players aim to slap each other, scoring one point for each slap landed on the opponent ;the winner is the one who scores the most points, or who can force his opponent to forfeit the match.

Punches are not allowed, though players can slam into each other. There is no time limit or limit to the number of slaps that can be executed.

SnackVideos:- @NationalKabaddi
Рекомендации по теме

لیکن یہ کعلی ہے فیک فیک feak
لا الہ الااللہ محمد رسول اللہ مسلم بنو شکرا
مسول لکافت الناس ان یومن باللہ پکہ مسلم بن جاؤ ادخلوا فی السلم کافہ مسلم کما حقہ بن جاو please must be nice to see you sey lailaha illalah Muhammad rsoolollah allah bless ترک بکن تفض و بدعہ دور شو از شیعان

مسول لکافت الناس ان یومن باللہ
