Do We Need More Lego Star Wars The Clone Wars Sets? | Lego Star Wars 2025+

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Lego has made close to a thousand lego star wars sets, and between these we have seen quite a lot of Clone Wars based sets. However, as this show has ended several years ago, is it still necessary to make new sets around this show, or should the theme end such as other themes such as the Sequel Trilogy, and Star Wars Rebels? Today I discuss whether we need More Lego Star Wars The Clone Wars Sets
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>Do we need more LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars sets?
>*discussion ends*


Yes, especially new vehicles and locations, even with new characters especially aliens. Ziro and nightsisters are examples


I think should make more phase 1 clone sets as the last set was hard to find and realsed in 2022 but before that it was the 2018 battlepack


I think that lego should make waves that include at least a set from each trilogy or series with off course a focus on the most recent/coming star wars project


*My thoughts on this topic:*
- Lego makes sets based on popularity. Sequels are universally hated, same for The Acolyte.
- Don't expect a lot more The Bad Batch sets. The lower the viewership, the lower the amount of money & sets Lego will put into it.
- Lego listens to it's fans, they look at videos of some content creators. They decide mainly on that what they should make next.
- A lot of people between the age of 17 & 30 grew up with the prequels, TCW, Disney acquiring Star Wars. I also grew up with TCW.
- Clone army building is very popular amongst those people. I personally own 200+ figures myself.
- The Clone Wars is also spreaded over 7 seasons. They surely won't give sets of all seasons anymore but will each year include one.
- Clones are also a main part of Episode II (P1) & Episode III (P2). They know that it also helps to sell stuff from those movies.
- Lego is also not shy of jumping on new series & riding on it's popularity (The Mandalorian is that already, Ahsoka maybe soon too)
- Lego likes to make new designs & different variations of a ship. That's why we got a Coruscant Gunship or Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor.

I don't think Lego will soon slow down on LSW sets. We will get some sets each year until after 2028. I do expect maybe after that they'll slow down on the sets like 2015-2019, after it's 20 year anniversairy. Also you'll be in the minority to say we need less TCW sets.


In an ideal universe, they would release 1-3 sets each year for Old Republic, Prequels, OT, Sequels, Clone Wars, Disney Projects, with some getting more love than others (Like the OT and Disney projects)


I'm 00:01 into the video and my answer is already a strong and firm * Y E S *

But i also want sets from the OG trilogy like the B wing or even a few sets like the resistance bomber from the sequels (idk I really liked the first resistance bomber and i want a remake)


The separatists are starving bro give them something 😭😭😭


Yes. I propose: an entire line of Lego for the clone wars and leave the rest on the main one.

Pros: far more sets for TCW and the rest of SW.

Cons: my wallet will be empty


Absolutely we don’t need to know micro fighters dioramas 18+ sets we just need the clone wars that’s it. It’s the best thing we all grew up with it.


Yes, yes we do, maybe just without those faces ….


I think the clone wars sets are the best, but could use some more Bad Batch sets


Lego should make whatever will sell and then they should make a CMF for all the figs se can't get in sets. They can do small polybag builds with those figs since they won't make a CMF


You did not ask dis question yes we need 10 more sets with just the 501st like the 212th atte, 501st atte, 501st gunship, regular gunship, Keli gunship and more yes


The only reson im into star wars lego is because clone wars im not fan of the films or other series
- the Mandalorian that is 10/10
i got all sets from Mandalorian
and few from clone wars
dont go for film lego sets unless they made death star again


Yes bc all the new Star Wars is garbage. Also there are a lot more clone types and vehicles then rebels and the empire


We don’t. We need more Sequel Era, Rebels, Mandalorian, Andor, Rogue One sets
