Jeff Lewis Reveals Shannon Beador’s Treatment Plan Details | Jeff Lewis Live

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Jeff Lewis updates us on Shannon Beador’s living situation and her treatment plan after her recent DUI.

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It really would not happen to just anybody. She did a very dangerous move.


Jeff I hear you, but you can't minimize this. She intentionally left the scene of an accident and was going to go by her merry way. If she hadn't been caught. I give credit to the citizen that got her license plate because she wasn't going to turn herself in.


Driving inebriated was a terrible decision!


Save your therapist money and just stop drinking!


Please Jeff, Shannon is an alcoholic! You would help her more by removing the rose colored glasses…. This could NOT happen to anyone, she got in a car drunk and hit a house! Poor Shannon, let’s call Dr. Woo for a cleanse and a referral to another shaman!


Shannon drank before John was in the picture


Ppl die when drunk ppl drive. She cut a stone corner of a building. It takes a lot to crumble a rock/brick wall. She then dies the cover up. Any other person would be cuffed. If u make excuses for an alcoholic, they only get worse which will lead to their demise. For women this happens much faster than with men.


Omg stop it! There is no part of Shannon Storms Beador that wants to have one drink and go home at 10pm.

She may be a people pleaser but that certainly doesn't mean shes also not an alcoholic.

She needs intensive inpatient rehab not 'intense' therapy. What a joke.

And no Jeff this couldn't have happened to anyone. It could happen specifically to someone who KNOWINGLY got drunk and got begind the wheel with their dog, driving way too fast ultimately plowing into someones front stoop - missing the front door by 2 feet.


She wasn’t so kind to Gina, that’s why I’m having a hard time understanding why everyone is giving her a get out of jail free card??


Shame on you Jeff.
Shannon is a big girl who has always needed therapy. She also has a big alcohol problem. Stop minimizing her problems and horrible behavior!


Stop making excuses for Shannon and how do you know it was only the first time 😮 because she told you poppycock 🤔 my 17-year-old brother was killed by someone who said it’s the first time I have drunk and drove turns out he was an alcoholic also a bloody liar.
I have no sympathy for that woman she made a conscious decision to get in her car and drive she is only upset because she got caught


Love Shannon but the drinking has been a problem even before John. Together they are a nightmare of booze and toxicity. They get drunk and fight constantly. We've also seen little missy there, Taylor in a drunken display recently. Stop sugar coating. Way too much drinking. I've got friends doing the same thing, I also get late night drunken phone calls. There's an epidemic of middle aged women who are closet alcoholics in denial. Its wine-thirty woohoo BS. I've seen ruined lives because of it. Time for Shannon to stop drinking at all, regroup, get healthy, lose her clingy attraction to men that belittle her and just focus on getting well, she's not well right now.


I still don’t hear anyone address her drinking is out of control. She was having black out how do you or Shannon know she hasn’t driven and drinking. You really don’t! I still hear Jeff still making excuses first thing she needs to stop drinking and don’t make excuses for oh she tired today maybe she should get rest instead of going to counseling! Shannon plays victim all the time and her co dependency is way out of wack! Her and Johns relationship is very co dependent that is dangerous for her drinking. It’s great to be supportive but don’t feel for her let her go through what she has to. She might only be able to take things no more than a hour at a time. On her last interview with US she was very combative when drinking was brought up. Be honest Shannon’s drinking has been out of control for quite a while. We as fans could see it progressing sometimes friends can’t. Shannon is my favorite RHOOC and she needs to stay away from certain people who are not good for her like Tamara! But that will come in time! Hopefully!


Yikes…. maybe Jeff should just zip it with this one. Making all of these excuses for her…. This is SERIOUS…. Notice how Taylor was just silent the entire time…. 😬😬😬


I am so tired of NO ONE SAYING She Knew Better ! I have a daughter that was in the back seat of her friends car when it was hit by a Drunk Driver that caused her to be disabled. After being on pain meds she ultimately became a Heroin addict. The guy is doing 19 to 40 years in prison for attempting murder on 4 teenagers. My grandson has had to live with me for 5 years now.. DRUNK DRIVERS DESTROY LIVES
Y'all are protecting her and making statements for her and it's making me SICK


i lost respect for jeff today. if i had friend who was drunk and shooting bullets towards a neighborhood where families live potentially killing people i would NEVER say i am proud of my friend seeking help... u can save the kind words towards shannon in private and after she apologizes to the people she could have killed drunk driving is as lethal as a gunfire weapon... absolutely no way i could praise someone like that.. yet you dragged other friends in the mud for other things that are no where as damaging as this.. pls stop talking about your friends..


From the 1st episode of RHOC that Shannon was on she was drinking a lot. John isn't the reason she got a dui.


If I was a best friend to an alcoholic - I would tell that person: You are an alcoholic. Stop drinking. Period.
I would do an intervention.


Shannon a people pleaser?? Jeff why couldn't you be this kind to Heather M ? Calling her a felon ?! Awful! Shannon commits a felony and your making excuses for her ! How are you a good friend???


Oh so now it's John's fault cause he stays up late..
