Build a RESTful API with Node, Express and MySQL CRUD - Part 3 | Create New Resource

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Build a RESTful API with Express and MySQL CRUD

MongoDB Tutorial For Beginners

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners Playlist

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #1

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #2

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #3

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #4

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #5

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #6

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #7

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #8

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #9

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #10

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #11

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #12

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ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners #14

ExpressJS Tutorial For Beginners # 17
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me the response is not displaying in postmam, any help please ?


This is the error I encountered at the end:
errno: 1366,
sqlMessage: "Incorrect integer value: 'false' for column 'active' at row 1",
sqlState: 'HY000',
index: 0,
sql: "INSERT INTO tickets (title, description, active) VALUES ('Creating my first issue test', 'This is a description ', 'false')"

cosole.log for request.body is:
title: 'Creating my first issue',
description: 'This is a description',
active: 'false'

Had to add the below lines to get it working:
if(!active) {
active = true;
} else {
active = active.toLowerCase() == 'true' ? true : false

Any idea why you did not encounter this error?
