Python dictionary, ordered dictionary, default dictionary and exmaples
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00:00 Start
01:46 List vs dictionary
05:01 dictionary constructor
05:34 dictionary with elements
07:02 Constructing dictionary from an iterable
10:18 dictionary with tuple as key
11:24 Accessing element of dictionary
14:08 get(key, default)
15:35 Adding new element to dictionary
16:39 Adding element with existing key
18:01 Deleting an element from dictionary
18:55 keys()
21:36 values()
23:08 Membership operator - in, not in
28:49 Iterating through dictionary
32:11 Searching for key from given value in dictionary
34:04 Iterating through dictionary in sorted manner
37:21 Adding / Removing elements while iterating
41:00 Unpacking dictionary
42:36 Functions of dictionary object
42:43 len()
43:17 pop()
44:30 popitems()
45:39 update()
47:24 copy()
49:52 deepcopy()
51:40 clear()
51:58 setDefault()
53:43 fromkeys()
55:01 Identity operators - is, is not
56:19 Comparision operators
59:23 Dictionary comprehension
1:02:34 Ordered Dictionary
1:04:00 Default Dictionary
1:11:43 Dictionary exmaples
1:13:38 Applying multiple searching cireterias
1:17:41 Dictionary containing dictionaries of lists