Binary Search Recursive Method - Recursive Binary Search Algorithm - Data Structures and Algorithms

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Binary search is a recursive algorithm. The high level approach is to look at the middle element of the list. The value of the middle element determines whether the algorithm should be terminated (key found), recursively searched the left half of the list, or recursively searched the right half of the list. In a recursive algorithm, a function calls itself until the base condition (stopping condition) is met. Except for a few differences, the recursive implementation of the binary search algorithm, binary Search follows nearly the same logic as the iterative version. A recursive call is one that repeatedly calls the same function.

binary search
recursive binary search
binary search algorithm
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binary search using recursion
binary search iterative and recursive method
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binary search algorithm example
binary search algorithm analysis
what is recursive binary search?
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binary search program
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data structure
data structures
data structures and algorithms
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