CA EDD Pending Payments, New Claims, Backlogged Claims. UI, PEUC, Fed-Ed Claims

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Overview of recent EDD developments.
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Thank you for the most accurate, easy to understand and informative updates. Fortunately I was able to solve my problems of pending and extensions by calling and talking to an agent. Nightmare to get connected with a 3.5 hour hold but it was worth it in the


I filed a new claim, I was told by edd I will get the continuing through Sept. They said they didn't need any more info everything is good .but they have not release any of my payments. It's now five months . I call them every day all day long till 7pm I believe they are doing this to the people so there bennifits can run out of time . They figure by doing that they won't have to finish the claims . Something should be done to these people they are not going to give the people the money that is the people . So we are hurting now and with out that money it's going to cause back lash on the edd staff. There is going to be alot of taxpayers who pay there salary for them to not give us ours . Also maybe they need to stop embezzling the money they have time to do that . The head of the dept. That's why she suddenly I said put time into releasing our claims.


I filed a new claim in March paid for two weeks and then it went to pending. Just called finally got through after two hours of being on hold. Now it shows paid for seven weeks. I asked them what was wrong with my claim she told me that I was flagged for some reason not sure. Hopefully it hits BOA. She told me within 72 hours fingers crossed. Don’t stop trying to call in. Good luck everyone God Speed.


Now EDD wants to add extensions to people ‘s claims that are expiring. What a joke. This is my own opinion. EDD should have started doing that back in March and continue in April. I got a call back on Wednesday May 26, 2021 from a state representative’s office. The woman who is helping me pulled up the email that I left on the portal. She said we will in touch with you in two weeks. I am hoping that they can help me. I am hoping to go back to my job before July 1st. Thanks for all the videos. My new claim is still not processed according to EDD. EDD says they mailed a form to my employer asking I am on benefits. My employer says they never got the form in the mail.


id me accepted my documents but still can’t re open my claim


My last payment issued to me was on 4/29, I have about 5 weeks of pending certifications, emailed twice, no response, call them all the time I can never get a hold of a rep and the call hangs up automatically. I filed a new claim after my fed ed benefit year expired like they instructed. Got 3 letters, one saying my claim was invalid, the other saying I have an option to decide how I would like to receive my payments, and another saying notice of unemployment insurance award. At this point I'm confused, I showed my mom the letters and she was puzzled as well. She told me to wait a while and see what happens, nothing. So I filed another claim. Not sure what to do now, I guess I'll keep calling and emailing. I thought ui expires in september in california? I see posts on here of people contacting the senator, how would I go about doing that? It really sucks being stuck in limbo with all of this.


6 weeks pending filed a new claim in march going on 8 weeks pending even doing work search requirement on certification and still havent had a payment since march when my last claim expired


My regular UI benefit year has expired and I have 8wks of pending payments just sitting there. I called the EDD but it got me nowhere. I wasn't planning on filing for a new claim since I am working again. I simply want what was owed to me for those 8wks where I was still unemployed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If the only advice is to call EDD repeatedly, that has been a huge waste of time. Time I no longer have. What, if anything, can be done?


I'm just reached a rep In payment department, he told me after I filed a new claim over phone that a unexperienced rep forgot to lift my old flag from year end. He told me hundreds of thousands of people have that same flag due to unexperienced new workers.


Thumbs up on your show I don't have to sit here and watch you drink coffee are you giving not helping news so it took 7 weeks to resolve my unemployment and receive a payment after the 7th week payment my claim went on hold again we need big changes at the unemployment office due to poor management we find out that they are in debt and now asking for more money to update the software too little too late being well over almost a million people are waiting for their unemployment where is our Senators and where is her president it is one thing to pass a bill but another thing to make sure it's being implemented


Just in my opinion, Ginny is also a good source of EDD information but this guy is more detailed and useful. I guess he’s a claimant like us??


I'm on 8 weeks and still can't get ahold of them


I was able to reach edd rep. People!! If you have pending payments do not wait, call!!!


I recive a inbox in edd the date
04/18/2021 telling me i was aprobe for peuc extensión but my benefit year ends and tomorrow is gonna be me second certification on pending

Any recomendation?
Do i need to re apply?


I’ve completed all of these tasks and confirmed resolution .with the exception of a phone interview which I ask about every call I have answered by EDD I gave consent to assembly member also to speak in my behalf. The most concerning aspect of my situation is …the initial claim in 2020 for combined wages took 7 months to approve and I lost my home and suffered an economical disaster . The DOL and legislation states on COMBINED WAGE CLAIMS must be resolved promptly BMI new updates or decisions on my reapplication on 3/26/21 beyond the mailed forms please advise


Thank you for your guidence however it did not cover my problem. Let me explain.
I work from late October or early November up until April or May and I work away from home.
Once I got laid off Iogged into my account and seen that there was a message in my inbox dated December 31, 2020 stating that if I do not complete the id verification that my account would be suspended and must be done within 10 days. 6 days later another letter was in the in box stating that my account was suspended because I did jot verify my identity. I then reopened my claim and they sent me a check for 704.00 without a continuing claim form. The next day i reciwved a letter for an overpayment. Then a letter saying that I have been disqualified. Not to mention that it also says that there was a preference change and to notify them of a.y potential fraud. I have very bad anxiety and stress bery easily feom CPTSD and I cannot get any help or even get a phone to reach anyone. My claim does not end until June 19th n i cannot figure it out.


My quart Ku money ran out so I didn’t get paid( my yearly time did not run out. It’s been 4 weeks now and Edd has not put more money on my account and they approved 10 weeks back pay to. Tomorrow I will be owed 12 weeks pay. I called and they said 10 days to figure it out. After 10 days I called again and they said a supervisor will call me in 3 working days. They have not called me at all.


I verified my identification, refiled my claim and I finally received a letter that says: Notice Of Unemployment Insurance Award.
The first sentence says: "This notice is NOT a final decision on whether you are eligible to receive UI benefits." Then written below is my award amount! Should I be hopeful and believe that my four backlogged checks are finally coming through to me? Thank you for your help and information.


Filed a new claim. Got it. Then got disqualified for not making enough. Got put back on PEUC. Got paid for the first couple weeks. Now I’m pending again for three weeks.


Thank you for these updates. I wonder when they will turn on the job search requirements again. Maybe by July? Or maybe they just won’t at all and actually will turn it on after September 4. It really is a guessing game at this point.
