Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 UPROAR w/@Illegitimate_Scholar

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Keanu saying 'Since I was a kid I always thought there's something not right with history' (paraphrase) is exactly what I asked myself about this whole subject. I now tell my children to not blindly believe everything they're told, question everything, get as much information as possible then make your own mind up. Sadly, people like Flint, don't do that. Respect to Keanu.


I want to be honest. I absolutely love what you do and love this community and so much more.. I can handle the politics, from both sides, but when can we agree that their(government officials) goal isn't to improve the average American.


Well now that I know Keanu Reeves is going to be doing the narration of this next show I'm definitely being counted in😊


The super chats interrupting the topic being discussed are SUPER ANNOYING!


Ancient Apocalypse 2 =
Keanu Reeves givin' Shillywood the big 🖕
Netflix givin' the the big 🖕Take that, Squint Dribble.
Love it 👍👍👍 Can't wait for October 16.


Hey Jimmy I enjoy your work . And thanks for illegitimate scholar for going on. Id like to make one suggestion, I think you might want to do the super chats at the end it sort of cuts your guest out, and can distract the conversation.


Jimmy, the interruptions make it hard to maintain a focus on the conversation. A lot of great information to take it and digest. Suggestion: talk it through to exhausting completeness, then do the commercials and notes as a break before heading into the next segment.


Expose these gate keepers (no longer scientists)!!! Protecting their positions, their theories, their fundings, their statuses, their accomplishments & contributions cemented in human history!!!

True scientists will always revise their theories/hypothesis when new discoveries, datas, researches, etc are presented without prejudice!!!


Can't wait for Season 2. Saw Jahannah James on a livestream and she revealed how recent her introduction into the ancient world and its mysteries began and that Jimmy was a big part of that. I confess, Graham, Randall and Jimmy all opened my eyes as well. This is a mind-blowing time to be alive.


The ufo theory of ancient humans has always been mine as well. The only place people could flee nuclear war would be underwater and it would also explain why their skin is so pale due to lack of sunlight


Too many people are asking too many questions today and WE WANT ANSWERS...
So fuck the main stream We will get our answers 😊 ❤


One possible example of how Ancient Technologies could have differed greatly from our own is that if they had accidentally applied the right sound frequencies to liquid Mercury then it would create mini Plasmoids, even given off heat from the little mini implosions...

This has been done in a modern laboratory so it's not Sci-Fi...But that discovery would have set them onto a path of a Frequency & Vibration based technology once they realized the power of Plasma...

& when you consider how Liquid Mercury is such an beautiful & yet utterly bizarre material it's easy to imagine them playing around with it & quickly learning what it can do...

*And BTW - Odd Liquid Mercury is pretty much a banned substance when it's not even poisonous until you mix it with other poisonous materials...You can gargle it I hear, hold it in your hands


I have an idea just to throw out here based on this, is it possible that in the current political climate that the future threat of nuclear weapons being used in the Middle East with tensions arising could be a reason for ancient sites like this not to be fully exivated, just a thought great vid 👍


Naysayer here 👋. I agree Ancient Apocalypse was interesting, engaging and very successful with loads of views around the world. That doesn’t make the claims in it correct. It means that it further spread the outlandish, evidence lacking pseudo archaeological views to more people.


I am absolutely thrilled about there being a season 2... which will surely be driven (sideways) up the rears of mainstream archaeology. I've been supremely disappointed with the emotional and irrational rhetoric being spewed against completely reasonable people with evidence based ideas, that oppose the mainstream THEORIES of human history surrounding the younger drias period. I have long believed that our history as humans is not even close to accurate. The level of ad hominem attacks against anyone proposing opposing ideas has been disgusting and predictable for decades. Civilization would still be in the dark ages were it not for people proposing ideas that contradicted popular belief. They call themselves progressive... while they fight to remain stagnant. The irony is thick.


A modern day archeologists is just a clone of the very first archeological professor from back in the day.


Dibble was crying because he felt that his daddy’s honor was disrespected


Why can’t people have fun and dig in to these stories or “conspiracy” stories you don’t have to believe all of it but it’s fun to imagine


I'm a liberal; albeit, a classical liberal. Much like my Stanford educated grandparents; I believe in freedom, cohesive laws, and enforcement agencies that only exist to support & protect my Constitutional Rights, which also supports and protects my Bill of Rights.

I'm a Liberal with a classical/timeless set of principles.

Do unto others...etc.

Just because some of my view points align with conservatives doesn't make me that other thing either.

Deal with it.
Classical Liberals are not Progressives. We are very different. Very, very different. The Progressives have hijacked the Democratic Party.

Smart move.
Really smart move, but I do not agree with many of your radical viewpoints.
Now, in a lot of circumstances, I am pressed to vote Republican. Unapologetically, I should add.

The Progressives have duped the classical/liberals long enough. It's time to take the Democratic Party back. Make The Progressives Liberal Again.

Much love. Let's find a way that works for the general population.

I am ashamed to say I'm a Democrat these days. I am ashamed to say I'm a Liberal lately, too. Progressives have hijacked our political systems. Buyer beware.

If it sounds nuts, it's because it's insane.

I really love this country. My grandparents and great-grandparents did, too. Help me to preserve our rights by now laying in on every "lib". Try to send them the positive regardless the unhinged version of their online opinion. I think we need really practice patience and a high degree of discipline to get my people back on track. They'll never totally agree you, but that's not the point of a lead. Let's comfortably bring them back home.

Let's not 'fight'. Please, for the sake of country and home, let's not fight.

Cowboy up, as they say.
Cowboy up.


The quote around 43 minutes in is from Isaac Asimov.
