Amplifier Power Tubes: Standard vs. Premium (JJ's & Genalex Gold Lion Reissues)

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A few weeks ago, I made a video comparing some EL34 and KT77s from JJ...and as we found, there was barely any difference between them...and certainly nothing that couldn't be compensated for with a tiny adjustment of the amp's controls.

When shopping for those tubes, there was also another question I wanted to answer. JJ's are typically reliable, good sounding, affordable tubes....most amp techs will fit them as standard. But what about the so-called "premium tubes" that cost twice as much? I'm not going to go into NOS tubes today as I think that's a very different conversation. But when buying tubes, is it worth the money to go to the higher priced 'glossy presentation' ones? Is what they say true; or just marketing cobblers trying to get you to part with more money?

So today, I'm going to compare the 'standard' JJ KT77 tubes with some Genalex Gold Lion reissues. They claim these tubes are 'artful' and use premium gold-plated components. But does that actually affect....anything?

What do you think? A tiny difference? Or literally not worth bothering with? Comment below!

Guitars are a Gibson SG Standard w/ OX4 Low-Wind A4 PAFs; a Gibson Les Paul Studio w/ Bare Knuckle Nantucket HSP90s; and a Gibson Les Paul Custom w/ OX4 Hot Duane PAFs. All recorded through a Hughes & Kettner Puretone (Fane Ascension F70 speaker; Aston Spirit Condenser, Shure SM57 & sE R1 ribbon mics) with a Schoeps CMC6 room mic.

0:00 Intro
3:34 Clean
5:48 Low Gain
7:36 Higher Gain
9:23 Outro

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I bought some Genalex Gold Lion EL84 tubes this month and used them this week in my Hughes & Kettner GrandMeister 40 and I really like them. My Hughes & Kettner came loaded with Shuguang brand of tubes from the factory and they weren't bad sounding but the Genalex Gold Lion tubes sounded more premium in their handling. It made my amplifier sound better than it did from the day I opened up the factory sealed box.

Shuguang tubes are like Hershey chocolate compared with the richer taste of Cadbury chocolate that the Genalex Gold Lion seems to be.


The Lions had a bit more bloom and sustain in the mids through my headphones. Just an extra touch of sparkle in the highs as well.


Thank you for the informative demonstration. As a person new to the tube amplifier(stereo) game, all the terminology and options can be intimidating. As I researched all the options for amplifiers, terms like, muddy, dark, punch down low, bright, dynamic etc…kept coming up. It was hard to know what I liked and what I didn’t. For individuals with discerning ears, it probably means a lot. For me, your demonstration showed that the differences are very slight. Yes when you played individual notes there was a more noticeable change(so for classical music lovers this may be something to think about) but when chords were played, far less noticeable to my ears. I’m not sure I wish my hearing was better or fine the way it is. I don’t want to over analyze music!


I was rooting for the jjs, but - There’s more separation and tonal qualities present in the Lions than the jjs.


I'm listening in a treated room, through a set of ADAM A3X and the difference I am hearing is so negligible that the cost difference, for me at least, would be more towards the durability of the valves rather than the tonal difference.


Just dove down this tube rabbit hole a few weeks ago. I’m coming to the conclusion that tubes, if quality were all equal are like seasoning. If you know the tone your after and are happy with your guitars pickups and overall like what your amp delivers. certain tubes can add a little more salt or oregano to your amp’s tone if you feel it needs a tweak. I heard the difference in the Gold Lions and I’m currently using a set of JJ 6L6’s so this video was very helpful being that I was looking for an excuse to spend more “gear” money on a set of lions. The lions seemed tighter and brighter and more defined in the mids and highs, especially with the LP. But different pickups or speakers will yield a much bigger difference. Honestly, I’d love to spend a few months comparing dozens of tubes but, I think I’ll revisit the Gold Lion tube question after I’ve settled on a new set of speakers.


Great job! I agree with most here that the differences are pretty slight. Longevity would be the question. In a properly biased amp both should last a long time.


Gold Lions are Definitely less muddy with chords and gain.


From my point of ear, i consider the Power Stage Tubes as a kind of compressor besides to give an specific voice like the difference between 6L6 and 6V6. It is clear that every piece within an amplifier counts, but if your power tubes is in harmony with the tubes you chose for your preamp and the type of sound that the brand decided to give to that amplifier, magic will happen!


I keep going back to this video when looking up Genalex Gold Lion tubes. I also use Hughes & Kettner. I like the sound of my GrandMeister Deluxe 40 so much more when I got the Genalex Gold Lion power tubes. I'm so tempted to replace the preamp tubes too even though it's not needed right now but I want to upgrade the sound. I'm so hooked on Genalex Gold Lion because they're the Cadbury Creme Eggs of vacuum tubes in my experience. It's like a difference between Mars chocolate and Cadbury chocolate.


At age 77 I could not hear the difference I have gold lions in my quad 2/40 mono blocks shall buy the Jj next time reason good value Thanks for the demo


The lions were cleaner and more 6l6 sounding, the jj's were dirtier in the mids and sound more el34ish. I've tested a lot of tubes and fixed a lot of amps. Always put jjs in due to the price difference. I might try some gold lions next time I change the tubes in my mesa stiletto trident... 4 years from now lol


Definitely noticeable difference between the two brands. Do they last longer? I wonder what platinum tungsten grid sounds like.


I'd bet that you could probably bias the Genelex tubes slightly hotter and they would probably stand up that better. With that being said I bet with the higher bias you would get a fatter bottom end and more sparkling highs.


Can't really tell a difference to my ears. I think it comes down more to realizability than anything. I'm putting JJs in my mig 50 that's getting fixed but I usually choose electro harmonix tubes.


I like the smooth overdrive w the genalex, but mine have either failed or gone noisey too quickly for me to trust them live. I've had noisey 12ax7s, noisey 6v6s, and i had a 6922 fail. So, jj or nos for me.


Overall, JJ's for me. Genalex did sound better on lead. Would have liked to hear how they sounded in a mix.


I would rather have 2 sets of J/Js than a set of GLs. :)


I’m about to get my 5e3 in and has JJ 6v6 but have some gold lion 6v6s that I might throw in there. But first need to here the amp. Anyone put gold lions in a 5e3? The his demo I liked the gold lions better but it’s a Marshall. Thanks for the great review regardless!


I know this is an old post but i have to say ive had my marshall plxi amps for 40 years and used telefunken el34 's made in germany i think? But are no longer in production now all branded el34's are maden china russia ore eastern europe and thou made to dofering specs all sound similar i just use what my tech gets at the time of retube nothing sounds like the old telefunken tubes nos stock ? Big $ o the god old days
