React Native Project: Home Stack - Bottom Tabs

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Hey Everyone,
I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.
In this video, I go over how to create the bottom tabs navigator for our react native project. I then implement icons with it, and started four of the screens which we will be using to complete this project.

I hope you all enjoy!
~David Grice

Git Commands:
git add *
git commit -m "[insert text]"
git push --set-u origin master

Node Commands:
npm install @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs --save
npm install react-native-paper --save
npm install react-native-vector-icons --save

Terminal Commands:
cd = change directory
ls (el es) = list content in folder

VSC shortcuts:
highlight text + ctrl + d = find next text to place cursor
alt + shift + up/down arrow key = copies line of code up/down line

React Native Commands:
react-native run-android/run-ios
react-native link react-native-vector-icons (important for android!)

#reactnative #bottomtabnavigation #homestack
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