World of Warships - Quick Cut: Tier IX Premium American Battleship USS Kearsarge

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Tier IX Premium American hybrid battleship Kearsarge is a strange boat. She has a LOT of North Carolina guns on a slightly longer reload, married to the occasional rocket plane squadron that mounts Tiny Tims. Her two armament systems combined make her pretty effective against opposing heavy cruisers and battleships, but much less so against enemy destroyers. This game on Crash Zone Alpha highlights some of her weaknesses: she is really more of a second-line battleship than a front-line one, and without teammates in front of her she struggles to produce.
In an effort to keep a better flow of content coming, I'm going to pretty up some of my more interesting Twitch games from a given week and share them on the channel. These are much faster to produce than my normal stuff, but are a little less polished.
In an effort to keep a better flow of content coming, I'm going to pretty up some of my more interesting Twitch games from a given week and share them on the channel. These are much faster to produce than my normal stuff, but are a little less polished.
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