Clickbait BS on YouTube, I'm SICK of it!

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👏👏👏👏👏FINALLY someone has spoken about this. I cannot tell you how many channels I have unsubscribed just because of that reason. Rant away, I’m with you! Some of these YouTubers have really gotten out of control with this nonsense. Oh and the subscribers that are blowing smoke up their “ you-know-what” telling them how great they are. Give me a break. I’m sick of it! And don’t get me started on the makeup channels. The ones that get me are the ones that had some sort of surgical procedures done a few years back and think everyone has forgotten and then they start with this device or this cream has made them look 10 years younger! I’m sorry, I’m on a roll now! Lol! Great video, keep them coming! 👏👏👏👏👏


Lori, thanks for releasing the rant I always wanted to. Clickbait titles are the absolute worst. Their thumbnail graphics are all starting to look the same sort of way as well. :)


I hate when they use AI art to create stupid images for their Video (esp whatever they choose to be the thumbnail). There are a lot of YouTube channels that cropped up with this stuff. Btw I introduced my mother to your videos yesterday. I've downloaded many of them on my phone. I want to thank you for all the stuff you've put out on YouTube that is simple, easygoing, honest, fun, and wise oftentimes. It's like having a fun person talking to you whebever


Lori, I also won’t watch the ones who are sappy. I love your honesty. Your cross stitch is so pretty, I need to find a craft to do. Ihooe you have a good week and sunny day 🤗😘🐶


You just make me laugh so much in this video 😂😂


Hello from the UK! I also follow the lady in her 80s. When I saw the title "I am in Love", I had a feeling that it was not about finding someone, so I skipped it LOL But I agree that bugs me too.

Nice cross-stitch! Keep at it 😄😍


You nailed it. I love your genuineness 😊


Oh my god I cannot bear click-baiting. I have a hard enough time committing to watching a YouTube clip, so if I realize what the title says does not match the content of the video… I go crazy. It’s just so disrespectful of the viewer’s time all in the name of getting views. Like you said it’s very low class and greedy. Quantity over quality kind of mindset. In the early 2010s it was so rampant across most YouTubers, it was hard to escape. But those family and lifestyle bloggers are the worst.

What kind of content do you like for podcasts? I’ll try to think if I can recommend to you anything.

Btw glad you’re doing better 🎀


Here’s a channel you might like. She’s 55 😊 Reborn Enthusiast-the videos tho not the shorts.


Have you watched Anna’s Mobile Home? A divorced girl struggling to make ends meet- lots of simple cooking. Her videos are real life. She moved home with her Mother and has moved back to her Mobile Home as it did not work out-now dealing with medical problems! This video is as real as it gets!!! 🥰


Good interesting channels are hard to find


Wow... . Why would u be so angry about soneone falling in love with a dog... she is absolutely not low class... you are very negative . And you title today is definitely clickbait.
