What should we do about racist white women?

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'Hers is a retro ignorance which translates into real harm.' Yes, I love the way you put it, and I was bloody STUNNED when a young woman put the same John/Yoko quote on her protest sign at a 'slut walk' a few years ago..

Also, John Lennon citing his black friend's permission slip as the reason it's ok for him to use the word is too cringe..

Thank you for your channel. It is one of the many resources that I'm using to keep me on the right side of feminism and keep myself accountable.


I've noticed that a lot of black men put most of their focus on racist yt men and seem to completely turn a blind eye to racist yt women. Many of them think because in their mind yt women are more feminine or soft spoken that they can't be racist. A lot of these women are envious and hate black women.


It shouldn’t be our job to educate white women about why it’s not okay to say the N-word and to stop minimizing our struggles under the guise of feminism. Feminism didn’t do much for us anyway.


Black feminists and White Feminists are not the same thing. We don’t have to do anything about racist white women or people for that matter, because it’s not going to change their ignorance. We just need to care and only focus on us.


Maybe white people should stop talking for marginalized people. Last time I checked there are very intelligent and experienced people that know what they’re talking about when it comes to this stuff. Maybe to make actual progress we should give long held platforms to them so they can speak and we can listen


My mother actually agreed with Bette. I kid you not.

I'm starting to think some nurse switched the bassinettes when I was born...


[I am a non-American white woman, so if I say anything ignorant please tell me so I can slap myself.] I really don't think there's any excuse for a white woman to get so caught up in her own oppression and battle that she just casually forgets that she has no grasp on what it's like to be a racial minority or to face racism. I've said plenty of stupid shit because life has never taught me some of those hardest lessons first hand, but I never got quite stupid enough to equate 'my' battles to those of black women in any way, shape or form, by accident or otherwise. You have to actively NOT CARE about the issues black women face to say something THAT ignorant, I really don't see any other way.


Kim, Thank you. I always want to hear what you have to say. I am earnestly trying to progress away from the old, ingrained ways of thinking, speaking, sharing, and "supporting." I now know enough to know that I can never truly understand those things that are not a shared experience but are unique to black women. I would never try to act like I get it. I respect those boundaries. I also recognize the power that language has to be horribly destructive in tangible ways. I realize that I must get it right.


If you don't hold any of those identities--white-supremacist, capitalist, or patriarchal--it's sometimes hard to see how your actions bolster the institutions that you'd like to see torn down.

This is why "checking your privilege" isn't just a meaningless pithy phrase: you just have to be mindful of how your actions affect other people.


White women! I want to be on your side but when you say things like this and do the things that you do, it makes it hard


I’m currently reading that Bell Hooks book. Well done!


Please help me understand why it’s so much worse! It hurts and angers me so much more from them than from white men.


You’re so insightful! Love your channel. Views on racism are a little different in Aus, so this has been eye opening.


First of all white women aren't women they look like men, and they have no struggles..


Hi, I'm a white girl I just subscribed to this channel to try and educate myself more on the oppressions and disadvantages that are unique to women of colour. I don't think it's fair for a white woman especially of middle class to speak for all women because feminism really is intersectional. I'm really sorry I'll never understand what it's like to push through the full extent of racial sexism but I just have admiration for everyone here who is so articulate and cool. I also live in Australia but America seems like some sort of dystopian novel sometimes. Hope none of this sounded ignorant or anything if so feel free to correct me!


Sounds like mad black women stop hating🤫


You go girl friend! I'm going to type a statement made by my Philippine, Vietnamese and Korean friends: "Any person who isn't color blind is racist." - Color blind; Meaning that they look upon another person as just a person and NOT being a person of color and that they treat people equally.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. I get intrigued when determining how ""Culture" and "Nationality" and "Ethnic" differentiate from race and discrimination.


What should we do about racist black women?


She used a quotete from Yoko a Japanese women who was married to John who openly admitted to beating and "other abuses" toward women for "fun" she should have thought better and shame on her I believe women in general have had to fight but let's not forget that some had to fight hard and sometimes alone *suffragettes I'm looking at you*
