Zelensky enacts largest shake-up of wartime & Russian missiles devastate Lviv I Ukraine: The Latest

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Day 925

Today, Russia unleashes a deadly strike against the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, killing civilians and devastating parts of the historic centre, we also report on ongoing reshuffle in Ukraine’s government and analyse how Germany seems to be ‘standing in way’ of a Czech bid to limit EU travel of Russian spies


David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

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My heart is broken for the people of Ukraine. I wish I could make this stop. Sending love from New Jersey USA to the people of Ukraine. I wish I could do something more.


One of my guests has family in Poltava. The casualties include both civilians and trainee military personnel. First hand information.


For Germany, it appears that Ukraine is just a big inconvenience


"It's just a reshuffle. Everything is fine"


The most obvious evidence of the effectiveness of the missile strike on Poltava was the swarm of NATO medical aircraft (USA, Germany, Poland, Romania). They are evacuating both wounded instructors and corpses.
At the same time, the legalization of foreign dead began. US Army Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Kamara "died suddenly" in Poland. Ahead of us are "helicopter", "yacht" and "private jet crashes" all over the world.
Two Iskanders thoroughly cleaned up the buildings of Poltava military training institute designed for 1, 300 people and packed to capacity. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been actively recruiting volunteers for the communications units for several weeks.


As Dom did ask for views on his analysis. I think he is a raving lunatic who is so emotionally committed to the Kiev regime he is prepared to contemplate the end of Ukraine rather than accept a negotiated end to the conflict


God bless and protect Ukraine? Slava, Ukraine!


For a moment there, I thought Dom was gonna argue that there’s a difference between kit and caboodle😊


Hladkyi? Looks like a complete farrago to me.


Welcome to this weekends mega dose of Pommy Propaganda. Enjoy


This political reshuffle is a clear sign that Ukraine are on the doorstep of victory. I should have never doubted British media


what is the West waiting for?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


14:20 in and once again one of your normal contributors sounds like he is having trouble speaking. His constant stumbling is making the podcast very difficult to listen to. Definitely thumbs down on this.


The russian outrage is a sign of how desperate theyve become, 35% of all stuff is no more, 50% of whats left will be in service rotation at any one time. Once those airframes dwindle by 80-100 frames theyll be in a desperate situation. The recent panic talk coming from 4-5 russian spokespersons is a sure sign they are closer to breaking point than theyve ever been.

Slava Ukraine 💙💛


Shake up?? NO, they are abandoning the sinking ship😂😂


Thanks for another great episode. Please keep the updates coming. Like may have said before - this is a marathon, not a sprint. Slava Ukraini!


Search 🔍 thermite car block engine🔎. Would be perfect for drone attacks on refineries like incendiary round Russia is using, can burn through metal.
But it is no different to artillery other than it is NOT 🚫 indiscriminate, it is focused and effective.
This is incremental to implement, just add to an existing drone. Perfect for bunkers and metal if in sufficient volume per drop 💧 unit.


Her name is pronounced ka ma la, not ka maul la. Don't listen to Trump too much.


Hi Dom, on your final thoughts maybe it's not because the West is afraid of a nuclear event but they do just enough so Ukraine finally wins and this ends in a soft landing. I.e. somehow Ukraine wins but Russia does not fall apart catastrophically. Like economics the hard landing as opposed to a soft landing. Grinding win by Ukraine as opposed to a grinding win by Russia.


The level of damage to the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) affected on August 26 is critical, a report on the state of Ukrainian energy system reads.

"Among the currently inactive stations are the Dnieper HPP, the Kiev HPP, critically damaged, Combined Heat and Power Plants number 5 and 6 (CHP-5 and CHP-6) actually put out of operation, the only powerful Kharkov’s CHP-5 is almost destroyed, " stated the message posted on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council.

It also notes that the import of electricity, provided from abroad to cover the deficit of the energy system, will not cover the need. "The maximum we can obtain the following way is only 1.7 GW. Negotiations on increasing the capacity to 2.2 GW are now underway, but even this will not be enough, " the message reads.

On August 26, Ukraine reported massive damage to energy infrastructure facilities, including the Kiev HPP. However, the authorities did not specify the extent of the destruction. Ukraine has reintroduced daily blackout schedules, and turned to Europe to supply electricity aid to the country.
