Was Jephthah's Daughter Sacrificed cf Judges 11? Your Bible Questions Answered Dr. Hamp

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Dr. Douglas Hamp graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. in the Hebrew Bible and Its World where he specialized in ancient languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek his PhD in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. He served at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa for six years, where he lectured and developed curriculum at the School of Ministry, Spanish School of Ministry and Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School. He is the author of numerous books, articles, & DVDs. His linguistic insights have made him a sought after speaker at conferences, national and international TV, radio, and internet programs in English and in Spanish. He is senior pastor of the Way Congregation in Denver, CO.

Video Title: The Way Wednesdays Virtual Midrash | Miketz At the End Of Kislev 30 Gen 41– 44 17 | Dr Douglas Hamp
Created by: Dr Douglas Hamp

#virtualmidrash #thewaywednesdays
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It clearly says in judges 11:31 and I will offer it up for a burnt offering." He did this.


Jephthah is mentioned in Hebrews as one of those who administered justice. That needs to be factored into this story.


God clearly condemns human sacrifice especially as pagan nations practiced it.


Thank you for your explanation, but at the end of the chapter, it says Isralite women lament over Jephtha's daughter four days each year. If she didnt die why would the women lament? and Bible did say Jephtha carried out the vow he vowed?


There some teacher that actual teach that he sacrifice her amazing good teaching


If he didn't burn her up, they why did he freak out and tear his clothes? Whey the yearly commemoration of his daughter? Stories like these are why I don't believe any more.


Who are you to characterize Jephtah's vow as stupid?


First God is against sacrifice people Second in Leviticus 27 when he gives you the laws to Moses he tells you about if you make a vowel what do you do to honor your vow judges @ he says it shall surely be the Lord's or I will burn it up in a sacrifice unto him in Leviticus it tells you about vows that you make to God if it's human if it's animal what to do


Love your teaching brother thank God for ya great work God bless


I don't know what to think about this story. It's pretty dark the way it's written. Never knew it was in the bible.


Dear Brothers and Sisters, (Judges 11: 34-40)

Yes he is right!

Jephthah's daughter requested to go up and down upon the mountains and bewail of her virginity along with her fellows. Because It was a custom of Isreal or maybe a practice in his nativity. She went for two months.

37 And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.

38 And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.

Here is an important topic that he accomplished his vow by KEEPING HER VIRGIN and the verse confirms it very clear she knew no man. AND IT WAS ALSO A CUSTOM of Isreal after the end of the following verse. (The translation will be sometimes from Hebrew to English is not more appropriate.)

39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,

How do we know that ?

Can we examine in Leviticus 27:2-8 & Leviticus 27:28

If his father wants to redeem from the vow he has to pay ten shekels or 10.2 shekels. (Leviticus 27:5)

Also according to the scripture, she is a virgin and knew no man.

28. However, anything utterly devoted to the Lord—people, animals, or inherited fields—shall not be sold or redeemed, for they are most holy to the Lord (Leviticus 27 :28)

I believe, Lord god never allowed Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac and be redeemed by a lamb. The same way the Lord or his father redeemed her by paying 10 shekels or 10 +1/5=10.2 Shekels (Leviticus 27 :13)


Is it then, that she lived in a convent stye place. Given to be the husband of god?
