Mitch Murder is the MAN! I tell everyone I know about him and his amazing music!!! Scrimlip
Mitch Murder is the MAN! I tell everyone I know about him and his amazing music!!!
That sound, that groove.. dude... nah you're too much. ARKommander
That sound, that groove.. dude... nah you're too much.
Yeeeeaaaahhh!!! 👌 Tomorrow my next driving song. Aroncare
Yeeeeaaaahhh!!! 👌 Tomorrow my next driving song.
Such a banging retro tune, time encapsulated!🥰 rynot
Such a banging retro tune, time encapsulated!🥰
Pure sonic Art from a maestro of synth... strictlynorton
Pure sonic Art from a maestro of synth...
Sounds like journey to vacation.. excellent marcelkudlej
Sounds like journey to vacation.. excellent
Gonna drive into the spring in my mint green convertible with this one. jammadamma
Gonna drive into the spring in my mint green convertible with this one.
This music always gets me vibing~! thank you so much sabertoothray
This music always gets me vibing~! thank you so much
Stay amazing Mitch. Keep composing. Keep creating stacey_rh
Stay amazing Mitch. Keep composing. Keep creating
Well, aint this just too funky. Dope man hapidjus
Well, aint this just too funky. Dope man
I need to go to that place. Reminds me of Drift City MMO. randywatson
I need to go to that place. Reminds me of Drift City MMO.
suena como a 80's pero en pleno 2021, osea abre una brecha en el tiempo, y eso es tan genial... es una locura!! Obeth
suena como a 80's pero en pleno 2021, osea abre una brecha en el tiempo, y eso es tan genial... es una locura!!
Oh man, such an *a e s t h e t i c* ricoo
Oh man, such an *a e s t h e t i c*