How To Sight Read A Drum Chart – Chad Wackerman (Masterclass)

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A phenomenally skilled jazz and rock drummer, Chad is an authority on the teachings of Murray Spivack [Murray taught Vinnie Colaiuta, David Garibaldi, Louis Belson, Brooks Wackerman and many others.] Chad has amassed a remarkable body of work including a seven-year association with Frank Zappa. Chad's "rhythm words" can be found on records by James Taylor, Barbara Streisand, Steve Vai, Andy Summers, Men At Work, Ed Mann, Albert Lee, Colin Hay, Dweezil Zappa, Pasqua/Holdsworth/Haslip/Wackerman Group, Terry Bozzio, Carl Verheyen and David Garfield. He is a first-call studio drummer and world-renowned educator, no wonder he is so knowledgeable about modular drumming.


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Chad is empathic, compassionate, & knowledgeable. God love him.


I'm a big believer in writing my own drum charts. That has probably helped me become a better reader more than anything. I find that if I write my own chart, I don't really need to rely on it all that much when the date comes around. I kind of visualize writing it more than I read it down, if that makes any sense. I also found that my own charts are often better than almost anything anybody ever hands me! So in a sense, writing builds your confidence because you start to see and become familiar with a lot of the same figures over and over again. Thanks for this great video.


What a very pleasant guy. And great player too.


Hello guys 😀 Chad Forever. He is the Best! Master. Thanx for sharing, big thumb up. Have a nice weekend 🎶❤️


The MIDI track is doing what it's supposed to do. It's the lesson on sight reading not on sequencing. Great lesson. Thanks Chad..


İ love the way Chad wackerman visions. He s an intellectual dude


I've never asked about Mr. Lombardi, but he looks great for how old I think he is, but I'm not sure. If he's in his 70's he looks very healthy and Sharp. Sooo glad. Such a blessing to have him and his wisdom being shared to us. Thank got good sir.


Love to have him interpret the holdsworth material. What do those things look like?


Chad is a new favourite of mine. The talk about how to simplify and show to the band where the time is for a few bars, I totally recognise that. Chads touch and groove is super nice, too. First saw him drum for James Taylor, like a groove chameleon in the background, absolutely awesome.


Wackerman, Bozzio, Colaiuta - all such nice guys! Zappa picked not only really, really good drummers, but also really nice guys. Or is there a correlation between nice guys being good drummers?


Oh man! Yes, I have had to pull the band back many times because they get excited and so the advice to go to a simple beat is right on. Then when they get with the beat the drummer can go back to the full package. Good advice, Chad!


When I started to learn how to play drums in the 5th grade…I couldn’t understand why no matter how hard I tried and to others dismay: I could not read music! I thought I was just an idiot or stupid…I’m sure others thought that as I got to High School and marched triples my freshman year and quads Sophomore through Senior year. Other players had to basically spoon feed me my parts. I’m very surprised why I didn’t get cut from the drum lines but I guess they figured I could play the parts after showing me equated to no-harm/no foul. Recently I read that people who can’t read music no matter how hard they try have a certain kind of Dyslexia:

Why do I struggle reading music?
You may have a condition called musical dyslexia (also known as dysmusia) This is a similar condition to dyslexia but involves difficulty with processing music notes rather than words.

So to those who can’t read (Eddie Van Halen) music no worries it’s not you it’s this strange form of musical dyslexia. Hang in there and don’t give up!


Would have been cool to see the chart he was working from. Chad is great!


Saw Chad with Allan Holdsworth in Amsterdam round 1987/88 when they toured together with Animal Logic with Stewart Copeland .
That was quite the drumnight!
I was floored with the enormous sound and precise playing of Chad
At a certain moment the Holdsorth trio went into a crazy stream of polyrhythmns where ( and i knew poly rhythmns rather well) i lost the count completely. Than as if practising magic suddely a clear break with heavy syncopation was played by all and it was back to the head of the song
Incredible . Life changing, and after that i bought all the Chaffee Patterns books and started mastering these
Vinnie says in an interview about Wackerman “ He deserves much more fame than he had, he is one of the greatest out there. Those who can hear it, hear it” ( or something close )
Zappa chose Chad mainly because of his groove .
Wackerman’s solo albums and his playing on the albums by Ed Mann are also fantastic.
And ofcourse the humanly impossible drumming on the Zappa albums


If we could have sprinkled a touch of chad in different parts of the world we wouldn’t even be in the rut we’re in now.


clean play< I like it, I try to play like this...


i didnt know how to read notes before the video and still don't know now


Does anyone know what China model is on his kit?


So - the charts are 'jazz charts', but the sound is rock/fusion?


What if you lose your place in the count Chad? Not good if you are the leader which we are as drummers.
