11 Things That Happens To Your Body When You Lack Vitamin C!

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I remember when I was struck with COVID, all I did was pop vitamin C tablets. Every medical practitioner advised increasing the intake of ascorbic acid to relieve the symptoms of SARS-COV2 and raise the immune system’s capabilities in those who were not. And guess what? Those teeny-tiny orange-flavored pills did prove to help.

Why do we need vitamin C? How do we know if we are falling short of this micronutrient? Where can we obtain it from? Today’s video is about all that and more.

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#VitaminC #VitaminDeficiency #Bestie

⏱️ Intro - 0:00
⏱️ All Hail To The Ultimate Immunity Booster - 01:03
⏱️ Saves You From Frequent Hospital Visits - 02:07
⏱️ Helps In Preventing Iron Deficiency - 03:27
⏱️ Aids In Regulating Your Blood Pressure - 04:23
⏱️ What Can Be The Warning Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency? - 05:17
⏱️ And What About Its Risk Factors? - 07:06
⏱️ How To Stockpile Your Vitamin C Reserves? - 08:19

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✍️ Summary:
All hail the ultimate immunity booster!
Did you know that your body has its own set of protective forces? Yeah! Your body has a fighting mechanism that chases away infections and allergies.

Saves you from frequent hospital visits
Trust me, when I heard that, I immediately grabbed that orange I was ignoring. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll do anything to escape hospitals.

Helps in preventing iron deficiency
Iron is an essential nutrient for manufacturing red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout your body. Iron deficiency causes anemia, which is quite prevalent across the globe.

Aids in regulating your blood pressure
High blood pressure can be a life-threatening problem. It increases your risk of getting a heart disease or stroke, which by the way, are the two leading causes of death in the United States.

What are the warning signs of vitamin C deficiency?
Your body is smarter than you think. It never shies away from telling you what is going on. So when it is running low on vitamin C reserves, its natural coping mechanism raises the alarm and sends subtle signs.

And what about the risk factors?
Even though developed countries like the United States have lower cases of vitamin C deficiency, with approximately 7% of the population affected, the figures from the rest of the world paint a different picture.

How to stockpile your vitamin C reserves?
Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is only found in trace amounts in animals. This is why plant-based sources of vitamin C are highly preferred.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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Рекомендации по теме

Many animals can make thier own vitimin C when they get sick, - we can't.


I know I'm low on Vitamin C when I crave pineapple juice like crazy
