The Architects Series: Close Up - Grimshaw

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The Architects Series - A documentary on: Grimshaw enters the New York headquarters of the studio, where partners William Horgan and Mark Husser, along with Associate Principal Casimir Zdanius and Nick Solomon will guide the viewers through the prototype laboratory, the showroom and the offices, telling how these historical headquarters evolved through time and describing their current and past projects.

Sustainability is one of the features that differentiates and characterises the Grimshaw Studio: since its creation, its founders have always invested in the experimentation of alternative materials and innovative technologies, creating new architectural visions, with a distinguished and cutting-edge design.

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The Architects Series: a documentary on Grimshaw apre le porte della sede di New York; i partner dello studio William Horgan e Mark Husser insieme all’associate principal Casimir Zdanius e a Nick Solomon guideranno lo spettatore alla scoperta dell’ufficio newyorkese, attraverso il laboratorio dei prototipi, lo showroom, gli uffici, raccontando l’evoluzione della storica sede, descrivendo i progetti all’attivo e quelli in corso.

La sostenibilità è una delle peculiarità che contraddistingue e differenzia lo studio Grimshaw: dalla sua nascita, i fondatori hanno sempre investito sulla sperimentazione di materiali alternativi e tecnologie innovative, formulando inedite visioni architettoniche dal design distintivo e all’avanguardia.

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