Wokusts: The Big City Cancer Coming To Destroy YOUR State - Rollin' Rambles - Jody Bruchon Politics

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Rather than live with the consequences of their own voting and policy demands, blue state leftists are fleeing places like California, Oregon, Washington, and New York to settle in red and purple states, bringing their cancerous and destructive voting along with them. Like locusts, these woke cowards will show up next door to you because they like your lower taxes, cost of living, and pleasant rural characteristics...then destroy everything by voting to turn your home into the exact same high-tax concrete jungle expensive hellscape they fled.





You are so right! I left a very blue city going on 7 years ago. I have personally saw these changes around me creep upon me. I am very grateful that I was able to actually buy my own home / property because even though I made a decent living, I was never able to buy one up north. I am deeply saddened to see this same exact "evil" coming and locals I know can't seem to understand this. That is the problem with the south. They hide behind the "southern hospitality" and pretend to be so nice even to their detriment. They don't seem to believe that they can lose their way of life in an instant because of all the northerners and west coast trash who move here. Sure anyone can move where they want but when you move to a better place, someone who is not trash should preserve the lifestyle of the area they moved to not change it to what they ran away from.


Oregon, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia all come to mind here, all of which used to be Republican strongholds in presidential elections, but all of whom have consistently voted demo(ni)crat in presidential elections since 2008.


I count myself lucky this didn't happen to Florida. We were so red this past election, we even took Miami, Jacksonville, and Tampa. Normally blue cities. The Cubans who live here are deeply conservative too.


i needed some jody in my life right now


One thing I can clear up here. Unfortunately I live in a blue area overall, but a number of these blue states with the exception of California have a fair number of conservative voters.

The problem is the seats of power, in the Puget Sound area (Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett) and the Portland metro area (Salem and Eugene also) all vote Democrat. The more rural areas in these states are more Republican/Conservative.

You drive east of the Cascades in Washington and you will find greater concentrations of Republicans and White people. But still, people are fleeing these Democrat strongholds because the party itself turned its back on the American people.

Colorado has sadly become another horrid blue state, and Denver has all the issues you guys have been describing when it comes to aliens.

If you have to move, then you must change your voting policies. Tennessee is already slowly turning because of ex Californian residents moving in and voting for those monolithic concrete blocks.
