How to Use Unakite! Why you need #unakite 💚 #crystals #healingcrystals #howto #crystalshop

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How to use Unakite: Are you feeling stuck in life and looking for something to help you move forward? Looking for a powerful stone to help you heal emotionally and foster strong relationships? Unakite is the stone of new beginnings that helps to bring balance, grounding, and healing. Unakite is an extremely powerful healer that can help you recognize, confront, and release any negative emotions or thoughts. This healing crystal will not only cleanse away stagnant energy but also heal past emotional wounds, allowing you to raise your self-image and start anew with a positive outlook. It promotes strong relationships while also assisting in ending bad habits so you can foster self-love.

Meditating with Unakite can be a powerful tool to explore the connection between heart and mind. It is believed that this stone helps to open our minds and hearts so we can more easily understand how our emotions influence our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Unakite also serves as an excellent grounding stone for spiritual work, helping us to stay centered in the present​​.

Wearing Unakite #jewelry can promote emotional balance and grounding, as well as enhance feelings of love and compassion. Unakite promotes harmony between the mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to release negative energy and find inner peace. If you are looking for emotional stability and inner strength, unakite jewelry is an excellent choice.

Carry a Unakite tumbled stone with you throughout the day when you need support, comfort and stability. Unakite is believed to enhance your intuition and help you make decisions with clarity and awareness. It can also helps to clear away energy blockages in the body so that healing can occur.

Place a piece of unakite near your computer or in your wallet to attract positive energies of abundance. You can also use it for your manifesting goals and intentions by carrying a piece with you. Use unakite’s powerful energy to help ground yourself and stay focused on your dreams.

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