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I don't even tell folks my dietary restrictions. I eat before I go or choose items I can eat based on what's available, or bring my specialized items.
As a MIL I would accommodate. My immediate family accommodates each other, vegetarian and gluten free.


It's a family dinner, not a family diner.


Most special diets aren’t very appetizing to the majority of people. My gluten free friend always brings things she can eat. I think she worries other people without experience in cooking gluten free will slip up.


Can you imagine giving someone a list of options they can cook for you personally


Well at lot is missing from this narrative ….But Yes! to get alone seeing your new in the family or may be … the best thing to do would have to bring one or two small dishes of something she really enjoyed and introduce it and share it with the family…… and if no one would eat it then bring it home and more for her……all she did was let them see why she shouldn’t be in the family… sad


I would NEVER try to impose my dietary restrictions on my in-laws unless it was a matter of life and death (and even then I would probably bring several of my own dishes, not only to eat for myself, but to share with anyone who would like to try something different).


To be fair, I always accommodate dietary restrictions for a large family gathering. Many people in my family have various disabilities that effect what they can and cannot eat, and I understand why she feels a type of way about it, nonetheless, making your own dish for the occasion (especially if the other people may have never made them and be afraid to mess it up) is not a crazy ask. I think that interaction couldve been solved so much more amicably by both parties taking the stick that is pride, out of their ass.


I don't think she's got a future mother in law anymore. Lol.


yes Run she will demande more in the future


The only way you need to ask them to accommodate your diet is if you have dangerous food, allergies. For some people, even smelling something like a peanut, can cause an anaphylactic reaction. But I didn’t hear any mention of that. All I heard is I won’t be eating your food and here are the list of the things that I want instead. So yeah, she’s the a hole. You go to Thanksgiving to socialize, to be with family. You’re not there to be catered to. You aren’t the Thanksgiving princess.


The proper thing to do would be:
"Dear ---- Thank you for inviting me! I do have a allergy to --- /am vegan/cant have gluten etc, so in order not to trouble you, I hope it's okay if I bring my own dish? Others are welcome to sample it as well. If this is inconvenient for you please let me know. I'm excited to be a part of the celebration!"
(And then perhaps the host would offer to make the dish etc, but if not that's okay too)


The husband should’ve handled all of this.


Seriously.. how is someone raised thinking this is acceptable baehaior!! Run run run!!


The way the future daughter in law approached the subject? I definitely wouldn’t have accommodated her. She simply states that she won’t be eating the traditional foods being served, then GIVES A LIST OF FOODS TO THE HOST TO CHOOSE FROM 🤦🏻‍♀️ Absolutely not. If she’s got food allergies? Start with that. But you never just assume the host will cook additional food that isn’t on their menu for no good reason. And you’re right…the fiancé needs to run, lol.


This really depends - is this a food allergy situation or a baby mouth situation? If you can't have shellfish, I'm absolutely accommodating. If you refuse to eat anything but chicken nuggets and french fries, bring your own nuggies cause I'm not cooking for any toddlers I didn't make myself.


Ok. Are you not eating her meal because of medical restrictions? If so, it is very unkind of her not to accommodate you. If you are not eating because you choose a plant based diet (like me BTW) you should bring your own. My choice to not eat meat and dairy is mine alone. I don't expect others to bend over backwards or make something special due to my choice. I'd bring my own delicious entree and sides and enjoy the company.


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I was totally with her, because I am a human that does not really like eating food myself, and usually food other people fix is the worst of them all, but me being how I am I would just sit there not eating anything or I would bring my own, or better yet not even go! I totally do not agree with the showing all the other things they could fix for her, now that's a little far.


Ridiculous. My friend is vegan and had three girls who are also vegan. When she goes to a dinner or holiday party or whatever she brings a dish for herself and the girls. They eat what they can of the meal made and what they bring.


This is something I think both sides would agree on. My brother has a vegan girlfriend and she normally brings her own food to family gatherings. She’s fully aware that having the host prepare something completely different would be inconvenient. She’s great and we all get along, she doesn’t make her lifestyle choice about other people.
