Streamer corrupts America's youth via weaponized vocabulary in video game about toys DrNatas
Streamer corrupts America's youth via weaponized vocabulary in video game about toys
I wish they called/texted ahead of time to notify Jerma. Just imagine the pure insanity of Jerma going through a whole stream without cursing digitalgrandson
I wish they called/texted ahead of time to notify Jerma. Just imagine the pure insanity of Jerma going through a whole stream without cursing
Local streamer violently curses at children until told to stop Rubeziska
Local streamer violently curses at children until told to stop
I mean they're ganna say it eventually. They all share the same mutant dna jerm has. MrCheezebrainz
I mean they're ganna say it eventually. They all share the same mutant dna jerm has.
Local dwarf shames dynasty through mere existence. Whatsuppbuddies
Local dwarf shames dynasty through mere existence.
jerma is literally "that uncle" IRL spunklord
jerma is literally "that uncle" IRL
Call me crazy but I don’t think Jermbo’s at fault here. lq
Call me crazy but I don’t think Jermbo’s at fault here.
I have no idea who this guy is but every clip I see of him on YouTube with absolutely no context makes him one of my favorites right away Fading_Rain
I have no idea who this guy is but every clip I see of him on YouTube with absolutely no context makes him one of my favorites right away
It's not possible... how did they click the 18+ verification button?! Jerma's nieces and nephews must be pro hackers! garrettoliva
It's not possible... how did they click the 18+ verification button?! Jerma's nieces and nephews must be pro hackers!
They were probably so pissed when he just kept falling off the cliff austinsavage
They were probably so pissed when he just kept falling off the cliff
They have already been exposed to Jerma humor. It’s too late you might as well introduce them to the entire Jerma mythos already. tsa_Yama
They have already been exposed to Jerma humor. It’s too late you might as well introduce them to the entire Jerma mythos already.
This time Jerma can't go around saying "you need to click that +18 button to enter the stream, you know you...blah blah blah", eh? afeathereddinosaur
This time Jerma can't go around saying "you need to click that +18 button to enter the stream, you know you...blah blah blah", eh?
I heard the kids tried to build the Nintendo Labo using his instructions and became sloppy wine drunks CluckN
I heard the kids tried to build the Nintendo Labo using his instructions and became sloppy wine drunks
How likely is it Jerma's neices and nephews saw JermaDumper (emote pending)? Toaster_Toaster
How likely is it Jerma's neices and nephews saw JermaDumper (emote pending)?
Man, the way enunciates his words.. he would be a great story time uncle degeneratetacomeat
Man, the way enunciates his words.. he would be a great story time uncle
10 billion added to the debt for every time jerma traumatizes a child bigbodge
10 billion added to the debt for every time jerma traumatizes a child
Oh that's RIGHT. Jerma's an UNCLE. gibustheinfamous
Oh that's RIGHT. Jerma's an UNCLE.
Local psychopath jokes about the comedy tab on zornhub in front of children SloshyBowl
Local psychopath jokes about the comedy tab on zornhub in front of children
Sorry I needed that laugh today, it's been a rough month doifhg
Sorry I needed that laugh today, it's been a rough month